Show Your Appreciation Do you take the time to thank your employees?
Studies have shown that most entrepreneurs, consumed withgrowing their businesses, don't do thank their employees oftenenough. What can you do to up the average? Try incorporating"little acts of appreciation" into your daily businessroutine, says Rosalind Jeffries, author of 101 RecognitionSecrets.
For instance, instead of giving workers birthday cards at theoffice, why not mail them to their homes? Or after a jobparticularly well-done, hand-write or e-mail a congratulatory note.And make sure to give special recognition to employees who do gooddeeds in or out of the office.
Food treats can also serve as a general morale booster. Tryservicing hot chocolate on cold winter days or providing Popsiclesto beat the summer swelter.
These gestures may sound trivial, but, as Jeffries reminds us,one of the greatest human needs is to be appreciated.