Tell Us: Are Anti-Google T-Shirts a Good Look for Microsoft? Google responds to Microsoft's line of anti-Google merchandise.
By Laura Entis
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Microsoft isn't playing nice and Google isn't thrilled about it. Though, it doesn't appear to be boiling over with rage, either.
Courtesy of Microsoft, you can now drink your morning coffee out of a mug emblazoned with Google's logo and the fighting words "Keep Calm While We Steal Your Data," while lounging around in a range of anti-Google t-shirts (or a hoodie, if you're cold).
The move to sell anti-Google merchandise is a brazen continuation of Microsoft's "Scroogled" campaign, which criticizes Google for scanning users' emails in order to serve up personalized ads, among other complaints.
Related: Microsoft Sells Google-Bashing Mugs, T-Shirts on Its Website
Yesterday, Google responded with a barbed formal statement from its spokespeople: "Microsoft's latest venture comes as no surprise; competition in the wearables space is really heating up." The message was quickly followed by a string of cheeky comments from Google employees.
The responses underscore the idea that while Microsoft is busy organizing attack campaigns, Google is busy, well, being Google and working on innovations like Google Glass.
Meanwhile, Microsoft's campaign has apparently been working. Last month, Ad Age reported that the ads "tarnishing Google's image in the eyes of viewers...putting Microsoft products -- including underdogs such as Bing -- into the consideration set."
But is Microsoft's new line of merchandise -- which consumers are expected to want enough to pay for -- a smart strategy for dealing with the competition? Most items have already sold out, but does the move make Microsoft seem a little ... desperate? Take our poll below and let us know what you think.
Related: Watch Out, Google: Microsoft to Be Testing Glass-Like Device