Auto Painting Service
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No
Automotive painting is not only a proven and stable industry, it can also be a very profitable business venture to set in motion. Starting an automotive painting service has one main requirement to make the business successful; you or an employee must have the skills and experience required to complete bodywork and paint cars. The equipment requirements for operating the business are also numerous, making this a business opportunity best left to professional automotive painters. As a method to reduce the startup investment needed to get the business rolling, consider a joint venture with an existing automotive repair shop that doesn't provide clients with automotive painting services. Not only can you reduce the startup investment, but also greatly reduce the monthly operating overheads by sharing expenses. You can also take advantage of the repair shop clientele base for marketing purposes.
Auto Painting Service Ideas
Glass Tinting Service
In hot areas like Las Vegas or Phoenix, glass tinting is almost a necessity.
Auto Performance Center
If you like the idea of bling, consider a store that sells flashy auto products.
Kids' Taxi Service
Kids need to get places too, and Mom and Dad can't always take them. This is where you come in.
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