Business Idea Center - Page: 5 - Arts & Crafts

Plaster Casts

Inexpensive-to-make plaster casts of people, animals and objects can serve as unique home décor.

Custom Buttons

Who says buttons have to be boring? Create interesting buttons that will make people smile when they get dressed.

Iron Sculptures

If you're creative and know how to weld, start looking for metal.

Lamp Shades

Create unique lampshades and watch customers' faces shine.

Designer Pillows

A couch isn't a couch without a decorative pillow. Create pillows that help decorators differentiate themselves.

Ice Sculpture Classes

It's very posh to see bars made of ice. If you have the skills, it's never been hotter to be surrounded by ice.

Stained Glass

If you're an artist who likes to work with glass, and wants to show others how to do it, this is the biz for you.


Bookends offer a great opportunity to be creative with low startup cost.

Christmas Ornaments

Bring holiday cheer to people's homes with creative Christmas ornaments.

Silk-Screened Mouse Pads

The mouse on your desk needs a surface to scamper on. May we recommend a cheese pattern?

Rubber Stamps

Love crafts? Get into the rubber stamp business.


Turn a hobby for calligraphy into a home based business.

Crafts Business

Got skills? Invest them in a craft business while teaching others to appreciate your art, too.


With novel content as coin of the realm in today’s ecommerce environment, this nearly two-hundred-year-old art form is uniquely situated to be a profitable business… but patience is key.

Art Easels

Love art and building things? Build easels for artists.