Kite Building and Sales
Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes
Starting part-time from your home you can manufacture 'one of a kind' kites and sell the kites locally through retail accounts, kiosks, mail order and the internet. The investment needed to put this business in action is less than $500, and the operating overheads are virtually nonexistent. On a recent vacation to Cannon Beach, Oregon, I was amazed to find a retail store that specialized only in kite sales. For the hour or so that I was there browsing around at least 15 to 20 people walked through the door and many left with a purchase. To get started you can buy some sample kites to find out what material is used to manufacture the kites and how they are constructed. The store I visited even had 'how to build kites' books, videos and kits. A great promotional idea for the business may be to have a 'try before you buy' kite sale. Simply advertise the event in local newspapers and let potential customers try out the kites before they purchase one. You can hold this event in a local park or at the beach. One thing is for sure it will not take long before a crowd assembles to see what is going on.
Kite Building and Sales Ideas
Children's Books and Software Store
If you know what kids want to see in their books and software, sell it.
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Educational Toys
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