Sailing School

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Calling all salty sea dogs. Sailing is a sport and recreational pastime that is enjoyed by thousands of people across North America, with thousands more joining the ranks each year. Many of these novice sailors share a common bond: they have enrolled, or will in the near future enroll themselves, spouses and family into training courses to learn all the vital techniques and skills required to safely operate and sail a sailboat. Providing you have sailing experience and, better yet, a sailing instructor's certificate, then the business is very straightforward to set in motion and does not even require you to have your own sailboat, as you can provide sailing training for students who already have a sailboat. Generally sailboat instruction courses are comprised of two elements: classroom theory, such as basic navigation, and practical on-the-water training. Additionally, courses are generally conducted over a two- to three-day period on a full-time basis, and a two- to three-week period on a part-time basis. Securing only 20 to 30 clients per year can generate an income, prior to taxes and overhead expenses, in excess of $30,000 per year.

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