Toner Cartridge Recycling
Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No
Ink or toner cartridges used in many photocopiers, fax machines and printers are able to be recycled by simply replenishing the ink supply, and this fact creates a terrific opportunity to start a toner cartridge recycling business. The business can easily be run from home, and the only requirements for operating the business is to have transportation, a few basic tools and the ability to refill the cartridges with new ink. Your competitive advantage over retail operations that sell new toner cartridges for office and printing equipment is the fact that you can offer clients free and fast delivery of recycled cartridges. In addition, clients can save as much as 50 percent by purchasing recycled toner cartridges, as opposed to the cost of new cartridges.
Toner Cartridge Recycling Ideas
Toner Cartridge Recycling
Reduce waste and save customers money by selling refilled toner cartridges.
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A great recycling venture, a scrap metal depot brings out the shine in eco-friendly businesses.
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