Truck Driving School
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No
The trucking and delivery transportation industry is enormous. To gain employment in this industry drivers must first acquire a special drivers permit or endorsements on their drivers license to enable them to become professional truck drivers. In most cases, the applicant must successfully pass a written test and a practical road test before they can acquire these special driving permits. Make no mistake, the written examination and practical road test are difficult, and due to this fact, most people who are seeking a career as a truck driver enroll in a truck driving instruction program prior to attempting to obtain the required permits and licenses. Starting a truck driving school necessitates a very large capital investment to establish and operate the business. However, the profit potential is excellent for this type of business endeavor, as truck driving instruction programs cost as much as $3,000 for each student to attend. Further revenue for this business can be generated by providing transportation companies with yearly refresher driving courses for their employees. The benefit to the companies for participating in this type of program is simply the fact that their employees can become improved drivers, which can reduce road accidents, missed work days, and damage to vehicles, which in turn, can increase productivity and yearly profits.
The Market
Needed Equipment
Truck Driving School Ideas
Boat Rentals
If you own a boat that sits on land more than water, consider renting it out for others to enjoy.
Kids' Taxi Service
Kids need to get places too, and Mom and Dad can't always take them. This is where you come in.
Limousine Service
Help people arrive in style with a limousine service.
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