Louise Karim
Living in Dubai since 2009, Louise Karim has led teams at leading regional and international companies including DABO & Co, The Dubai World Trade Centre, and Emirates Airlines. Representing a vast number of global brands, including Virgin, Coca-Cola and The Four Seasons, Karim, a natural communicator with a drive to achieve, specializes in developing digital plans, which deliver strategic results. 2016 saw her take a shift in her career path, when she joined the Mackenzie Jones group to develop and lead the Mums@Work business. Louise’s insight into the target market through her own personal experience of juggling her role as a mother while still sustaining a successful career, is an integral part of the partnership with co-founder David Mackenzie.
Getting Back On Track After A Career Break
Returning to work is hard- employers can be hesitant to hire people with a gap on their resume, while returnees may have doubts about their competency.
Why SMEs Should Embrace The Flexi-Time Movement
As millennials continue to enter the job market, flexible working conditions will increase in popularity.
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