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Driving Positive Impact: How The B Corp Certification Can Transform Your MENA Business (And The Region) We believe that MENA businesses should consider the B Corp standards as a guiding framework in their journey in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) domain—a pathway to becoming better companies.

By Nadine Zidani

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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In today's business landscape, companies are increasingly urged to adopt responsible practices that consider their environmental and social impact. From supply chain management to employee engagement, and from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to promoting diversity and inclusion, stakeholders demand genuine commitments. Yet, the question many businesses struggle with is: how? The journey to sustainability can seem overwhelming, and shortcuts may tempt those seeking quick results.

At MENA Impact, we chose a different path by becoming a certified B Corp, anchoring our commitment to impact in the region, and embracing a journey of continuous improvement. We believe that MENA businesses should consider the B Corp standards as a guiding framework in their journey in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) domain—a pathway to becoming better companies.

Certified B Corps, or B Corporations, are businesses that meet high standards of environmental and social impact, accountability, and transparency, balancing purpose with profit. This global community of businesses is leading the transformation of the global economic system. B Lab, the network of organizations behind the B Corp certification, was founded almost 20 years ago with the strong belief that business can be a force for good. They are on a mission to transform the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet.

As the CEO of a UAE-based company recently certified as a B Corp, I have believed in B Lab's mission from the very beginning. My goal was to build a venture that aligns with my core values as a founder, integrating impact into our business model and making it part of our DNA. Embracing the B Corp standards can truly transform your business for the better, and here are four reasons why:

1. GET A BASELINE OF YOUR ESG PRACTICES Businesses often want to jump into action without first measuring where they stand. But measuring is the very first, and most fundamental step of your ESG journey. I know this firsthand, as companies in the region often request initiatives that are unrelated to their business or areas where they could make a true impact, all without understanding their current impact. B Corp standards offer practical tools, like the B Impact Assessment—a customized questionnaire that covers five impact areas: governance, environment, workers, community, and customers. Measuring your impact is the first step toward meaningful action.

2. DEFINE YOUR PURPOSE The path to B Corp certification challenges you to think about your company's purpose from a different perspective. While businesses often define their purpose, mission, and vision, these don't always account for the environmental and social impact they want to achieve. Ask yourself: is the world better with my business in it? It's not an easy question, but it forces business leaders to reflect deeply. I recall a conversation on my Impact Talk podcast with the CEO of a French luxury brand, who became B Corp certified after questioning their purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic. This introspection was the beginning of their transformative journey.

Related: Sustainable Finance: Here's How Startups Can Excel In The Emerging Green Economy Of The UAE And The GCC Region

3. DEVELOP AN IMPACT-DRIVEN BUSINESS MODEL All businesses are on a journey of continuous improvement—no one has it all figured out. Embracing this mindset means constantly seeking ways to become a better company, and the B Corp assessment offers an opportunity to benchmark your practices against the best. At MENA Impact, this process helped us define a business model with impact at its core. For instance, we are committed to the eighth of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that's centered on "Decent Work and Economic Growth," and we are particularly targeting youth unemployment in the MENA region. We implemented a remote working policy that allows us to hire talented youth from the region, and we also partnered with a social enterprise to provide job opportunities to youth in Palestine and Jordan. Impact is not philanthropy; it's an integral part of our business model and practices.

4. JOIN A COMMUNITY Being part of a global community of businesses committed to transforming the economy into an equitable, fair, and regenerative system is incredibly fulfilling. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals on this journey, who support and challenge each other to become better, is essential. This is not a path to be walked alone; it goes against the very principles of sustainable development. Tapping into this international network of over 9,000 relentless companies, all striving to balance purpose with profit, is a game changer.


In the MENA region, the B Corp movement is in its infancy, with 25 B Corps, 12 of which are in the UAE—four years ago, there was only one B Corp in the region! The movement is growing, and at MENA Impact, we proudly serve as B Corp ambassadors, encouraging businesses to adopt B Corp standards and tools, whether or not they pursue certification.

The state of the SDGs in MENA is concerning, with only 3% of the goals achieved, according to the 2023/2024 Arab Region SDG Index & Dashboard Report. Unique challenges, such as resource scarcity, climate change, and access to employment, require urgent action. Business has immense power to address these challenges, just as we've seen the influence of global giants like GAFAM. Business leaders can use this power as a force for good.

B Corp stands for companies that are not just the best in the world, but the best for the world. Embracing the B Corp standards is not just about certification—it's about joining a movement that has the potential to transform your business and the region. It's about leading by example, driving positive impact, and showing that business can indeed be a force for good.

Related: Redefining Business In The Modern Era: The B Corp Movement And The Quest For Authentic Sustainability

Nadine Zidani is a sustainability expert, impact entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of MENA Impact. She lives in the UAE, and she is dedicated to supporting the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and driving systemic change in the MENA region through her work and public speaking.

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