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Empowering Ventures: H.E. Alia bint Abdullah Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister Of State For Entrepreneurship "As I continue this path in both the business world and life, I am committed to staying true to my core values, treating others with kindness and respect, and fostering a culture of authenticity. This, to me, is the essence of true leadership, and a milestone I strive to uphold every day."

By Aby Sam Thomas

You're reading Entrepreneur Middle East, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

UAE Ministry of State for Entrepreneurship
H.E. Alia bint Abdullah Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship.

If experience truly is the best teacher, then it is safe to say that H.E. Alia bint Abdullah Al Mazrouei, who was appointed as the UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship in July this year, is more than ready to excel in this new role.

After all, Al Mazrouei has come into this position following extensive experience in the UAE's entrepreneurial arena. For starters, Al Mazrouei is a serial entrepreneur who has built several businesses in the UAE from the ground up, with her portfolio including brands like Just Falafel, Little Haven Nursery, and FitGround. She has also worked at Mazrui International, which is an Abu Dhabi-headquartered family office her father set up over 50 years ago, and she's also been an Advisor at the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development. She's also enjoyed leadership positions at the UAE's Human Resources Authority and at the Abu Dhabi School of Government, and her last professional role—prior to her appointment as a UAE Minister of State— was as the CEO of the Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development, an independent economic development agency of the Government of Abu Dhabi that is focused on funding and supporting the growth of SMEs in the Emirates.

Al Mazrouei has thus had a career trajectory that makes her perfectly positioned to take on the mandate she's now been tasked with as the UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, which, she states, is to cultivate an entrepreneurial ecosystem that empowers innovation, while also supporting the growth of businesses in it. "This ministerial position sends a strong message to both our citizens and the global community about our unwavering commitment to entrepreneurship as a cornerstone of our economic strategy," Al Mazrouei adds. "Recent federal initiatives—such as full foreign ownership of companies, golden visas for entrepreneurs, and enhanced intellectual property rights—underscore our dedication to fostering a vibrant business environment. As we aim to position the UAE as a premier hub for entrepreneurship by 2031, these efforts reflect our resolve to drive sustainable economic development and job creation, ultimately addressing the key challenges of our time."

Given that her first entrepreneurial venture in the UAE (i.e. the F&B brand, Just Falafel) got off the ground in 2007, Al Mazrouei has had a front-row seat to the evolution of the country's startup and SME ecosystem, which she deems as having been just remarkable, especially over the last couple of years. "Strategic federal initiatives have significantly enhanced our landscape, enabling full foreign ownership, introducing golden visas, and improving intellectual property rights, all of which create a conducive environment for business growth," Al Mazrouei points out. "Targeted support for SMEs and startups has provided essential training and resources, while robust legal frameworks ensure the sustainability of family businesses and cooperatives. Plus, as we empower women entrepreneurs and women-led SMEs, particularly in emerging sectors, we unlock immense potential for contributions to our economy. The UAE's recognition as the leading global destination for new ventures, coupled with our high score in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report for 2023/2024, reinforces our commitment to nurturing talent and innovation. We welcome innovators and entrepreneurs worldwide to explore our market and leverage its advantages."

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But as much as the UAE's entrepreneurial ecosystem has a lot going for it, Al Mazrouei does admit that it can also present a fair number of challenges for those wanting to operate in it—however, she is keen to point out that the country is making an effort to alleviate them all the same. "Innovators in our ecosystem often face hurdles such as access to finance, navigating regulatory landscapes, and achieving full participation in the business environment," she says. "But the UAE government has been proactive in addressing many of these challenges through legislative amendments and policy reforms, shaped by meaningful consultations with the private sector. For instance, the introduction of full foreign ownership has been a game-changer, leading to the establishment of over 275,000 new companies in just a year and a half, pushing the total to over 788,000 by the end of 2023."

H.H.Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, H.E. Alia Bint Abduallah Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, and H.H. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President and Ruler of Abu Dhabi.

"However, despite this progress, challenges persist," Al Mazrouei continues. "Access to finance remains a significant barrier for many startups, and ensuring that every entrepreneur can fully participate in the business landscape is an ongoing concern. In my role as the UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, I am deeply committed to tackling these challenges head-on. By working closely with our ecosystem of incubators, accelerators, and investors, I strive to provide the necessary guidance, connections, and funding that startups need to thrive. My approach is rooted in urgency and purpose, driven by a desire to not only celebrate our progress, but to also push for continuous improvement. I believe that by addressing these hurdles, we can create an even more robust and inclusive environment where every innovator has the chance to succeed. This commitment is at the heart of my work, and I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the UAE's entrepreneurial landscape."

To her credit, Al Mazrouei has hit the ground running with respect to her ministerial mandate, with her already being actively engaged in a number of initiatives that aimed at enhancing the UAE's entrepreneurial landscape. "One notable initiative is the development of a mentorship program that connects seasoned entrepreneurs with emerging startups, providing invaluable guidance and support," Al Mazrouei shares. "We are also focused on revamping the SME law to make it more universal and aligned with future sectors, particularly supporting innovation enterprises. This legislative enhancement aims to create a more robust legal framework that fosters innovation and positions the UAE as a global leader in emerging industries." The upcoming UAE Entrepreneurship Summit is another initiative that Al Mazrouei wants to draw our attention to, with the event set to serve as a vital platform that will allow entrepreneurs to network, exchange ideas, and learn from industry leaders. "Additionally, we are working on launching a transformative project to align all ecosystem players in support of fostering and boosting the number of companies focused on future sectors and the new economy," she adds. "This project is part of our broader strategy to create a cohesive and supportive environment for innovation-driven enterprises."

But that's not all. Given that the UAE's entrepreneurs are known to always be on the lookout for opportunities to grow their businesses internationally, Al Mazrouei reveals that she is also working on initiatives that would aid the fulfilment of such dreams. "We are continuing our efforts to support startups in scaling up abroad," she says. "Currently, we are developing a platform to connect our SMEs with our partners in BRICS [an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the UAE], while also enhancing our network with our partners on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements (CEPA). This initiative will provide UAE startups with greater access to international markets, fostering cross-border collaborations and growth opportunities."

Similarly, given the common refrain heard from entrepreneurs in the UAE when it comes to financing, Al Mazrouei shares that work is being done to sort out this challenge as well. "Recognizing the crucial role of finance in the success of startups, we have been working closely with fintech players to introduce technology-driven and non-traditional financing solutions," she says. "By partnering with our existing network of banks, we aim to provide startups with innovative financial tools and resources that will support their growth and sustainability."

Al Mazrouei also reveals that work is underway on this year's installment of the Future 100, a national initiative launched by the UAE Ministry of Economy in partnership with the UAE Minister of State for Government Development and the Future, which, in its inaugural edition last year, listed (and accelerated) the startups and scaleups making a promising contribution to the UAE's future economic sectors. "This year, we plan to celebrate the top 100 startups and scaleups in the UAE that are future-ready, highlighting their achievements and contributions to the nation's economy," Al Mazrouei says. "I encourage all entrepreneurs to participate in such initiatives, and seize the growth opportunities that they present."

In a statement on H.E. Alia bint Abduallah Al Mazrouei's appointment as the UAE Minister of State for Entrepreneurship, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said that "her mandate is to create more economic opportunities for UAE nationals in line with the national economy's robust growth."

But what about those among us who are essentially on the cusp of taking the leap into entrepreneurship—what would be the message Al Mazrouei would give to all you aspiring founders out there in the UAE? Her reply is succinct—Al Mazrouei urges you to simply be bold, and dive right in. "Pursue your passions with all your heart, and trust in the supportive ecosystem that we are fortunate to have in the UAE," she says. "This is a time filled with possibilities, and with courage and determination, there is nothing you cannot achieve. Remember, your journey is more than just your own—it's an inspiration to others who will see in your story the courage to chase their dreams. You have the power to make a difference, not just in your life, but in the lives of countless others."

Al Mazrouei may well be speaking from experience here, given how she has been a role model for so many entrepreneurs in the UAE, and especially so for those who are women. As a woman in the UAE's business realm, she admits that there have been times when, owing to her gender, the going has gotten tough—but then again, as the popular aphorism goes, that's also when the tough get going. "Throughout my career, I've encountered challenges, some of which were shaped by my gender," Al Mazrouei shares. "But rather than letting these obstacles deter me, I've embraced them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Each hurdle has taught me resilience, and they have been instrumental in shaping the person and leader I've become. To the women of the UAE, both Emirati and otherwise, I want to say this: embrace your unique strengths with pride. Never doubt the value of the qualities that make you who you are. Seek out mentorship and build a strong network of support, for these connections will be your greatest allies in your journey. Collaboration and community are powerful; by sharing your experiences and resources, you're not only paving the way for your own success, but also lighting the path for future generations of women."

Interestingly enough, Al Mazrouei also points to one of the most cherished aspects of being a woman— motherhood—as being central to her life today. "From a personal perspective, being a mother is, without a doubt, the most profound and fulfilling achievement of my life," she says. "Motherhood has been my greatest priority as well as my most profound teacher, imparting lessons that resonate deeply with the qualities of successful leadership—perseverance, patience, collaboration, team-building, and unwavering resilience. Through this journey, I've come to cherish every moment, understanding the true value of time, and ensuring that each second is spent with purpose and love. I am deeply proud of my ability to wear multiple hats—nurturing my personal life, serving in public office, and leading in the private sector. As I look to the future, my personal goals are rooted in embracing and celebrating my accomplishments, and I hope to inspire other women to do the same. It's essential that we no longer diminish our successes, but instead recognize and honor our inherent talents and strengths."

This, in turn, is a reflection of the mantra with which Al Mazrouei is heading into the future. "My mission is to stand confidently in my achievements, and to encourage others to do so with pride and conviction," she declares. "As I continue this path in both the business world and life, I am committed to staying true to my core values, treating others with kindness and respect, and fostering a culture of authenticity. This, to me, is the essence of true leadership, and a milestone I strive to uphold every day."

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H.E. Alia bint Abdullah Al Mazrouei shares her tips for entrepreneurs

Embrace innovation "Innovation is the heartbeat of entrepreneurship. Always be curious, explore new ideas, and embrace the latest technologies. The UAE's rapidly changing market thrives on those who dare to innovate and adapt. Don't be afraid to dream big and push boundaries—your creativity is your greatest asset."

Leverage government support "You don't have to walk this path alone. The UAE government offers a wealth of incentives, grants, and programs designed to support entrepreneurs like you. These resources are there to help you turn your vision into reality, so take full advantage of them. They're a testament to the UAE's commitment to nurturing its entrepreneurial spirit."

Build a strong network "No one succeeds in isolation. Surround yourself with fellow entrepreneurs, mentors, and industry leaders who can offer guidance and support. Your network is more than just connections—it's a community that can open doors to collaborations, funding, and the wisdom you need to grow. Together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone."

Focus on customer needs "Your customers are the core of your business. Prioritize understanding their needs and aspirations, and let that knowledge drive your decisions. By actively listening and adapting your offerings based on their feedback, you're not just ensuring your success—you're building strong, lasting relationships rooted in trust and loyalty. When you genuinely connect with your customers, you create a foundation for enduring success and mutual growth."

Be resilient "The road to success is rarely smooth, but it's the challenges that shape us. When you encounter setbacks, face them with courage and a problem-solving mindset. Each challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. Resilience isn't just about surviving tough times—it's about thriving despite them."

Empower women in business "For the female entrepreneurs out there, know that your journey is both unique and powerful. Seek mentorship, and don't hesitate to lean on the support of other women who've walked this path. By collaborating and sharing resources, we can lift each other up, and create a future where women in business are celebrated and supported. Your success paves the way for others to follow."

The UAE stands by you "By embracing the aforementioned principles, you're not just navigating the business world—you're contributing to the vibrant, dynamic future of the UAE. The Ministry of Economy stands with you, ready to support and guide you as you turn your dreams into reality. Remember, every step you take forward inspires others to do the same."

Related: The Futurist: H.E. Ohood Al Roumi, UAE Minister Of State For Government Development And The Future

Aby Sam Thomas

Entrepreneur Staff

Former Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Middle East

Aby Sam Thomas is the former Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Middle East. Having started working on the brand in November 2014, Aby was responsible for leading the publication on its editorial front until September 2024.

In his nearly-decade-long tenure at Entrepreneur Middle East, Aby played a key role in its growth and development across the MENA region, with him developing and executing events, programs, and other initiatives under the brand's banner, while also personally representing it through his appearances in conferences, media, etc.

Aby has been working in journalism since 2011, prior to which he was an analyst programmer with Accenture, where he worked with J. P. Morgan Chase's investment banking arm at offices in Mumbai, London, and New York. He holds a Master's Degree in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York.  

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