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The Top Five Life Coaches to Watch in 2024 As of 2024, The business landscape as we know it has been transformed. The past four years have revolutionized our work methods, underscoring the critical need for a growth mindset to thrive amid challenges.

By Liam Keeney

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

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These five coaches have established coaching businesses that empower individuals to enhance their communication skills, develop content that resonates deeply with key audiences, and manage their time with precision.

Their combined expertise in fostering growth mindsets and scaling online enterprises could be the catalyst you need to break into the business world, gain deeper self-understanding, and significantly boost your income.

Imagine the opportunity to work one-on-one with the next Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, or Gabrielle Bernstein before they became industry icons. These are the top five life coaches you need to connect with in 2024.


Rick William is rapidly becoming one of the most influential coaches in the personal-development industry. Leveraging his expertise in psychology, polyvagal theory and meditative practice, Rick empowers high-performing men to create lives of genuine fulfillment instead of just empty success. His work helps men prioritize what truly matters - cultivating both external success and inner satisfaction, independence and thriving relationships, purpose and powerful self-expression.

Rick's innovative, multi-modality approach trains men in the practical tools necessary to create consistent and lasting transformation. His unique methodology integrates the best of western and eastern psychology, nervous system regulation, relationship-building skills, and practical business strategies, guiding clients to their greatness. His client base includes business owners, celebrity investors, and professionals from around the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

Before founding his coaching business, Rick was C.E.O of one of the UK's fastest growing fitness companies. His personal experience overcoming challenges like burnout, stress, relationship breakdowns, and a void of fulfillment led to his passion for helping men overcome them too.

"I measure success by the joy you find in your work, the impact it has on others, and the love you share with those you journey through life with," shares Rick. "When you prioritize your inner-state, your personal development and the quality of your relationships, you create a solid base from which true wealth and happiness can grow."

Rick's mentorship has led clients to double their net worth, create lasting love, overcome lifelong fears, and prevent divorce. His story and expertise demonstrate that with the tools and mindset, anyone can break through their limits and achieve a life of true fulfillment.

Rick works with select clientele around the world in bespoke 1 on 1 mentoring, and also offers free resources through his free app, "The Toolbox,". Based in Costa Rica with his wife, Rick continues to expand his influence and impact, with his first book, "Yes. Now. All of It." due for release in 2025.


Dr. Ezzie Spencer is a former human rights lawyer turned best selling author and coach. She is the creator of the Money Splinter Method, a unique approach to help female entrepreneurs grow in business and find richer life fulfillment.

Using positive psychology, other-worldly insight and a compassionate feminine lens, Dr. Ezzie addresses the root of the recurring patterns preventing full financial potential and overall life satisfaction. She uses female-designed frameworks to support her clients to achieve at the next level, while also finding inner peace and cultivating joy beyond work.

Dr. Ezzie's clientele consists of multiple 6, 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs across industries. Her work is regularly the catalyst for "the best month yet" in terms of revenue, with clients feeling "more relaxed than ever".

Before starting her business, Dr. Ezzie did her Ph.D in therapeutic jurisprudence, an area of mental health law, with a focus on women escaping abusive relationships. Through her books, retreats, speaking, and coaching in the self-transformation space over the past decade, Dr. Ezzie has supported tens of thousands globally to create a life of abundance that is rooted in peace, joy, and purpose.

"By the time a CEO hires me, it is often a matter of connecting dots, surfacing tiny unconscious quirks, and finding the tweak that will make a lifetime of difference", Shares Ezzie. "After you have done so much work, it is a relief for it to feel fun, light and easy".

Dr. Ezzie lives between Melbourne, Australia and Los Angeles.


Voy is a master coach, wilderness rite of passage guide and co-founder of Modern Renaissance Man. Through his one-on-one coaching, he guides high performers and creative visionaries to redefine their definition of success, freeing them from the relentless hustle, awakening their deepest strengths, and helping them lead more fulfilling lives.

After a successful career in the corporate world and launching multiple businesses, Voy set out on a profound journey of self-discovery. He's learned from world-leading coaches, spiritual leaders, and indigenous cultures, creating a dynamic coaching methodology that digs deep to solve core issues. This method isn't just about quick fixes: it's about making lasting changes that empowers men to thrive in life, relationships, and business.

Voy's coaching blends modern psychology, human behavior, and spiritual wisdom that lead to genuine transformation. He guides men to simplify their approach to life, focus on what truly matters, and build a life that is not only successful but also deeply satisfying.

Today, Voy's influence spans globally, inspiring leaders, artists, and change makers to embrace a leadership style that values authenticity over perfection, and well-being over endless striving. His philosophy offers a powerful alternative to the relentless hustle, encouraging a purpose-driven path to success.

"True leadership comes from understanding and managing our inner world," Voy explains. "When we master ourselves, we can shape our lives and achieve remarkable things."

Voy has successfully guided hundreds of men to connect deeply with a greater version of themselves and embrace a lifestyle that is filled with freedom, joy, and deep fulfillment.


Nathalie Weister is a heart-centered leadership coach, "Empowermentor," writer, and ardent student of diverse personal development modalities. Since launching her company EPM Studio in 2023, she has dedicated herself to supporting leaders in maximizing performance and impact by reconnecting them to their authentic selves.

Nathalie's journey to coaching was deeply personal. On Christmas Day 2021, she lost her mother to a painful battle with cancer, leaving her with a void that led her to question the path of external validation she had always followed – one that was the source of her own growing dis-ease and disconnection from herself. This profound experience spurred her to leave her 15-year corporate career in Human Resources and work with a coach to unearth her true calling.

Her signature program, The Integrated Leadership Pathway, reflects her holistic approach to coaching and mentoring others to live and lead authentically. Inspired by ancient yogic wisdom and practices, it addresses various aspects of leadership from the lens of energy harmonization and optimization. Nathalie's unique blend of corporate experience and deep spiritual practice allows her to create transformative spaces where curiosity, connection, and actionable strategies flourish.

"I believe that true leadership starts from within. When leaders connect with their authentic selves and align their actions with their purpose and values, they create environments where everyone can thrive. My personal quest to understand and exercise my innate creative power has become my life's work—supporting others' sense of fulfillment in doing the same," Nathalie shares.

Her dedication to human development is also reflected in her long-standing blog, Soul Sustenance, where she has explored existential concepts through personal stories for over 11 years. She is excited about turning her blog into a book, further sharing her insights and experiences with a broader audience.


Matthias Schmitt co-founded two thriving companies, a SaaS platform - raising 8-figure funding & serving >100,000s, and Germany's premier winter events brand, hosting mountain festivals for thousands. Despite his extraordinary success, Matthias faced impatience, burnout, and self-doubt, questioning the meaning behind his seemingly exceptional life.

Longing for purpose, Matthias initiated his profound journey of self-discovery, persistently asking "What do I truly want in life?" and yearning for something deeper than external success. He was

determined to transcend his limits and craft a life that felt like paradise daily. He made a bold decision and exited his companies in order to devote his life to personal growth and impactful living.

Today, as an Executive Coach and inspirational Leadership Speaker—known as the "Chief Fulfillment Officer"—Matthias merges his extensive experience in building success with personal growth and holistic health. His coaching practice guides leaders to transform their burning desires, often dimmed by stress and anxiety, into confidence, purpose, and power.

Drawing from his own journey and having empowered hundreds of clients to achieve greater success and deep fulfillment & joy, Matthias developed the groundbreaking Expansion State Method and the innovative Expansion Programs. They empower entrepreneurs and conscious leaders to align with their purpose, realize their fullest potential, and seamlessly integrate the spiritual with the material.

His 1:1 coaching programs are in high demand among global leaders who want to make a difference, known for creating profound transformations. His clients range from startup founders to seasoned entrepreneurs, many of whom have successfully navigated exits and seek a more meaningful path. His clients share that their lives and businesses have reached new heights of harmony, fulfillment and impact since working with him.

"There's a burning desire in every man to expand into a global leader and be a role model for his peers," Matthias shares. "By stepping into our most expansive selves, we can transform this desire into a massively powerful force for good."