Mohit Sabharwal


Growth Strategies

How This Entrepreneur Caters To 3400 Clients With A Team Of Just Eight

Vikas quit his job in 2013 and built a Flipboard like mobile app before pivoted his business into a digital marketing agency


Apps Making The Democracy Dance

Angry at your local Member of Legislative Assembly or Member of Parliament? Want to rate your representative on a daily basis and not just once in five years? Here are the Apps which are changing the power equation between voters and politicians.

Growth Strategies

How Hard Could it Get?

Entrepreneur India talked to various founders to know the strategies they deployed to resurrect their ventures from strenuous times


An Investor for the Rookie

Tarun Davda's mantra for investment - "Team, Team and Team"

Growth Strategies

A Staple Drink From History

Rooh Afza, a bright rose flavored syrup, has a long history and an unchanged taste. Forty years older than independent India, this nostalgia-tinged beverage is a permanent fixture in the South Asian imagination and aptly called the summer drink of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan

News and Trends

Funding Friday: A New Unicorn in India's Basket & Women Networking Gets the Limelight

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