Naval Goel


Naval Goel is the CEO of


Growth Strategies

Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Challenges in Asia

In these countries there is the easy availability of amazing workers, purchasing power capabilities and much more through which you can easily convert your dreams into reality


What Skills Do You Need to Become A Successful Entrepreneur?

A good entrepreneur is also a good learner and even the biggest people around the world who have set milestones are looking to learn something every day


A Guide for Beginners About Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs who remain unbeatable in taking on a startup's risks are honoured with revenue recognition and opportunities for continued development


Entrepreneurship, a Profession of Choice for Generation Y

Millennials are people who never want to follow the typical paths, they rather believe in creating their own paths


Thoughts That a Beginner Should Have in his Mind on Entrepreneurship

For every successful entrepreneur there are several failed attempts

Women Entrepreneur®

The Rise of Women Entrepreneurship in India

Women have started to realise their power and exploring different ways to pursue their passion

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