S. Kumar Srivatsan


S Kumar Srivatsan is a chartered accountant and company secretary. He’s worked with  Royal Bank of Scotland and Ernst & Young.  He gave up his lucrative career in consulting to startup OptaCredit, an alternative digital lending platform. Through artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, Kumar hopes to democratize credit by making it more accessible to individuals and businesses with little or no documented credit history.




Alternative Digital Lenders vs Traditional Banks - Competitors or Partners?

Most banks still collect physical documents, which makes doing a real-time analysis of financial statements and salary slips impossible.

News and Trends

#5 Fintech Trends That You May Want To Watch Out For in 2017

Just like India skipped the landline phenomenon and went straight to the mobile revolution, Fintech is likely to go digital.


Let Regulatory Procedures Not Be Indian Fintech's Achilles Heel

Regulation is key to fintech's success in India and below is OptaCredit's journey through India's regulatory maze.

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