Vaibhav Vasa


Vaibhav Vasa is the Co-Founder of Biz Analyst, a comprehensive platform for entrepreneurs and small organizations to take reigns of all aspects of their businesses – be it invoicing, sales analytics, operations, supply chain or understanding why and how their growth is taking place. He is an alumnus of Case Western University, Cleveland, USA where he completed his MBA in operations research. He also holds a Six Sigma Belt certification and has over a decade of experience in data analysis and optimization across manufacturing, supply chain & finance as well as sales and marketing. He leads the Sales & Marketing teams at Biz Analyst & is intrigued by the diverse SME market in India & how the decision making often happens with a lack of data visibility.


Starting a Business

A Survival Guide for Early-stage Start-ups

Successfully navigate an early-stage start-up through its first couple years in business and your odds of survival are much greater. But how, exactly, can you do this?

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