Vinay Anand


In his 7+ years as a serial entrepreneur, Vinay Anand has built 5 companies with 2 exits and 2 failures. He aims to share his learning on building a startup through his experiences, thoughts on where the world is going & how to value the one chance we have in life. He is currently the Co-Founder of Aer Media, an Influencer Marketing Platform that serves as a conduit between brands & influencers.



For Everyone in Their 20s, Here's the Long and Short of Short and Long Term Thinking!

With everything you do, there are disproportionate returns in the long run and this thought right here, is true for business as it is life

Growth Strategies

Luck Never Made Your Buck, Patience Is the Only Arbitrage

There is no set mantra for success but the ingredients are set in stone

News and Trends

Entrepreneurs, Don't Blink, the World Around is Changing too Fast!

Smaller chips, faster processors, Google and Facebook's unwavering commitment to 'connect the world' and a worldwide government push to go digital are accelerating a change

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