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Leading the SaaS Management Pack with Reliable Tech Industry Solutions Zluri transformed the way businesses handle software stack. Within this enterprise, there has been a front-row seat opportunity to address the challenges and celebrate clients' triumphs.

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Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Zluri transformed the way businesses handle software stack. Within this enterprise, there has been a front-row seat opportunity to address the challenges and celebrate clients' triumphs. This platform opened doors for streamlining SaaS management and achieving new levels of efficiency.

The Genesis of Zluri

In 2020, the world was at a crossroads, with technology as the defining line between advancement and decline. Businesses that embraced technology thrived while others struggled to keep up. The Zluri team saw an opportunity to democratize access to software, making it affordable and accessible for businesses of all sizes.

The vision was clear: simplify the transition to SaaS and help companies manage their software stacks efficiently through a single intelligent dashboard.

Case Study: Monday.com's Journey with Zluri

One of the company's most notable success stories is the partnership with Monday.com. Managing hundreds of applications, Monday.com needed a solution to consolidate its software ecosystem.

Lior Zagury, director of global IT at Monday.com expressed that their infrastructure needed a solution to reinforce their software ecosystem. They faced the challenge of keeping track of numerous applications and licenses, which consumed time and resources.

Zluri provided the perfect solution. Monday.com gained a comprehensive overview of its software usage by integrating multiple applications into a single dashboard. This enabled them to identify and de-provision unused licenses, resulting in significant cost savings.

The integration with Zluri allowed Monday.com to see all the different license types and their usage, helping them optimize their software stack. One of the most valuable features of this case was app insights. It displayed all the users who no longer need a license in one place. The company saved approximately $100,000 over six months by identifying unused permits.

Software stack solutions like Zluri are committed beyond providing a platform. The relationship with Monday.com exemplifies how Zluri supports clients in achieving their goals.

Case Study: Sherpany's Collaboration with Zluri

Sherpany, the leading meeting management solution provider based in Switzerland, faced significant challenges with visibility into their SaaS applications. In search of a remedy, their technical lead highlighted three key issues: overspending due to shadow IT, redundant applications purchased independently by different departments, and limited options for optimizing SaaS applications.

With limited insight into their infrastructure costs, Sherpany struggled to manage their applications efficiently. However, using Zluri's Unified SaaS Management platform, they discovered 45% more unmanaged applications than initially presumed—130 applications in total. This newfound visibility empowered Sherpany's IT department to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and plan budgets more effectively.

Implementing Zluri's platform streamlined Sherpany's procurement process by centralizing application management. This technique allowed for real-time application monitoring, which uncovered redundant tools and unused licenses. The direct result was substantial cost savings.

Navigating Market Challenges

Despite Zluri's success, the SaaS management market is fiercely competitive. However, its focus on comprehensive analytics and revenue optimization sets it apart from the rest.

Zluri does not just manage SaaS applications; it maximizes them. This distinction is crucial in a market where data-driven insights can distinguish between efficiency and overspending.

A Trail of Success: The SaaS of Tomorrow

The SaaS market is projected to exceed $300 billion by 2025, so Zluri is well-positioned to ride this wave. In line with this prediction, the Zluri team plans to broaden the service's presence in the US and globally.

For clients like Monday.com, Tipalti, Sherpany, and Koinworks, Zluri has delivered tangible results through data-driven insights and revenue optimization. This output underscores Zluri's role as a leader in SaaS management, helping businesses achieve new heights of efficiency.

About the Author

Sethu Meenakshisundaram is the co-founder of Zluri, a unified SaaS management platform. With a passion for simplifying tech complexities, Sethu leads Zluri's mission to optimize software usage and enhance organizational efficiency.

Sethu Meenakshisundaram

Co-founder of Zluri

Sethu Meenakshisundaram is the co-founder of Zluri, a unified SaaS management platform. With a passion for simplifying tech complexities, Sethu leads Zluri's mission to optimize software usage and enhance organizational efficiency.

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