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The Oil and Gas Veteran's Vision for a Digital Future in Oil and Gas Trading Dr. Louis Forino Von Thyssen, a seasoned oil and gas industry veteran, sees a future where efficiency, accessibility, and accuracy are the cornerstones of oil and gas trading.

By Jitender Bhagat

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Dr. Louis Forino Von Thyssen

Dr. Louis Forino Von Thyssen, a seasoned oil and gas industry veteran, sees a future where efficiency, accessibility, and accuracy are the cornerstones of oil and gas trading. With a career spanning several decades, Forino-Thyssen has witnessed the industry's evolution and recognized the potential of technology. Today, as the CEO and founder of NAFTAhub ®, he leads toward a digital future, leveraging his experience to enhance how oil and gas are traded globally.

From Pilot to Pioneer: Dr. Forino's Journey

Forino's career, which began with his humble Italian background, included winning a competition at the Italian Air Force Military Academy, serving missions in Geneva for NATO, and spending time at DATREX AG. These achievements shaped his vision for the oil and gas industry.

At DATREX AG, he created the INTRAK software, a patented algorithm that harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize maritime navigation by offering real-time data analysis and intelligent navigation parameters. This software was so successful that it generated an eightfold turnover in six years.

However, Forino's journey took a more exciting turn when a prominent Chinese metallurgy and construction conglomerate, drawn to the oil sector, acquired DATREX AG and appointed him as its lead. This strategic move led to the inception of MCC Petroli, a Switzerland-based leader in global oil and gas marketing.

Forino's exposure to the oil and gas industry through MCC Petroli laid the foundation for his future career. Through his experiences at various global trading hubs and interactions with industry leaders, he learned the potential benefits of digitalization to improve the industry.

He recalls, "Seeing the inefficiencies and the manual nature of oil and gas trading firsthand made me realize the urgent need for a more streamlined and digital approach."

These insights fueled his ambition to create NAFTAhub ®, a platform designed to bring the oil and gas trading industry into the modern age, making it more efficient and accessible for all players involved.

An Easier Entry to the Industry

Established traders with significant financial resources and extensive networks have traditionally dominated the oil and gas industry. This exclusivity often creates high entry barriers, making it challenging for smaller traders and new entrants to participate in the market.

Recognizing these limitations, Forino aimed to democratize the industry, envisioning a radically different oil and gas trading landscape. His vision is rooted in the potential of digital platforms like NAFTAhub ® to break down these barriers. With the NAFTA System ®TM, traders can bypass the traditional, cumbersome prequalification processes and reduce the financial and logistical burdens that typically hinder smaller players. This technology-driven approach ensures that all traders, regardless of their size or capital, have the opportunity to participate in the oil and gas market.

"Our goal is to level the playing field, giving everyone a fair chance to succeed in this industry. This highlights inclusivity and establishes a more dynamic and competitive market environment," Dr. Forino mentions.

Trading Decisions Done Accurately

Forino aims not just to provide entry into the oil and gas trading industry. Instead, he builds a platform that ensures a successful and sustainable trading experience for all participants, regardless of their size or experience level. To achieve this, he has equipped NAFTAhub ® with a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to address every aspect of the trading process.

These include access to the right refined oil products, partnerships to negotiate optimal prices and terms, assistance with legal documentation, thorough due diligence processes, obtaining necessary authorizations, facilitating oil storage solutions, coordinating shipping logistics, and navigating customs and regulatory requirements.

For Forino, this all-encompassing support system not only levels the playing field but also empowers traders with the resources traditionally available only to large, established companies.

He says, "These tools transform the whole decision-making process from guesswork to one driven by accurate, data-informed decisions. Traders can now be more confident in their business decisions as they have all the tools to guide them."

Balancing Vision with Industry Realities

While Dr. Forino's vision for a digital future in oil and gas trading is compelling, it is not without its challenges. He acknowledges that transitioning the industry toward digital platforms introduces new obstacles, such as cybersecurity threats, the challenges of integrating digital systems, and market volatility. Addressing these issues requires robust security measures and a strategic approach to merging new technologies with existing infrastructures.

Despite the challenges, Dr. Forino remains optimistic about the future. As a seasoned professional and entrepreneur with extensive industry experience, he understands that adapting to new technologies can be daunting initially. However, he believes that once traders embrace the enhancements brought by digital trading platforms like NAFTAhub ®, they will unlock opportunities and possibilities that were previously difficult to achieve. This transition not only promises greater efficiency and accessibility but also opens the door to a more dynamic and inclusive oil and gas trading landscape.

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