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Join the #1 Breakfast Franchise with Eggs Up Grill! Eggs Up Grill has a talented executive team focused on driving the strategic growth of the brand. They provide franchisees access to open territories, the ability to diversify a portfolio, and is a brand with demonstrable growth.

By Matthew Goldstein

3 Benefits of owning an Eggs Up Grill franchise:

  1. Ranked #1 breakfast franchise with a proven business model and strong average unit volumes.
  2. Flexible daytime hours from 6 am to 2 pm promote work-life balance and staff retention.
  3. Comprehensive training, supply chain support, active field support, and robust marketing.

Eggs Up Grill is a breakfast, brunch, and lunch franchise that offers a warm, community-focused dining experience with made-to-order American-style meals. Recognized as the number one breakfast franchise by Entrepreneur magazine for three consecutive years, it offers a single day-part model with significant growth potential and a guest-centric culture. Click Here to connect me with this Eggs Up Grill.

Key Facts:

  • Minimum Initial Investment: $752,000 - $988,000
  • Initial Franchise Fee: $45,000
  • Liquid Capital Required: $150,000
  • Net Worth Required: $500,000
Matthew Goldstein

Entrepreneur Staff

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