How This Influencer Overcame His Teenage Struggles to Become an All-Star Content Producer The GoPro filmmaker talks with Gerard Adams about the steps in his development.
By Gerard Adams
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In this latest episode from Gerard Adams' series Leaders Create Leaders, the host and entrepreneut talks with Matt Komo, who was previously the head of content at GoPro. Komo talks about growing up trying out for many sports teams but always facing challenges due to his smaller size. He admits that he hit his growth spurt later.
Komo talks about taking things at an increment level. He tries not to let himself get too overwhelmed. Moreover, he tries his best to read more books and learn from others who have found success.
The two talk further about diving into the filmmaking process, proving themselves to their families, as well as further aspects of their struggles through the years.
Click play on the video to hear more.
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See more episodes of Leaders Create Leaders Season 1 and 2 on Gerard Adam's YouTube channel.