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The 6 Elements of Persuasion (Infographic) When you want to get your customer to say yes, keep these principles in mind.

By Nina Zipkin

The word "influencer" gets thrown around a lot in business, but how does the power of the persuasion really work? An infographic from U.K.-based virtual phone service Everreach, explains the elements companies can utilize to impact their customers and get to "yes." The list is based on the teachings of Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of the popular book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

For businesses, the principles of "reciprocity" and "scarcity" are big factors in the persuasion game. Customers feel more inclined to appreciate your business, for instance, when they've been given something personalized or unexpected. In that same vein, they also tend to want things that are scarcer, which is why limited-time offers tend to be a big selling point.

Related: Want to Gain Influence on Social Media? Get to Work.

Customers are also big on trust. Your company can build lasting customer relationships by emphasizing your knowledge and "authority" in your industry. Try providing a trial period for your service, allowing your future clients to make a small commitment to start.

For more on how to influence your customers and potential clients and the importance of consensus and finding common ground, check out the infographic embedded below.

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The 6 Elements of Persuasion (Infographic)
Nina Zipkin

Entrepreneur Staff

Staff Writer. Covers leadership, media, technology and culture.

Nina Zipkin is a staff writer at She frequently covers leadership, media, tech, startups, culture and workplace trends.

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