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Science & Technology

PR Guide for AI Startups — How to Dodge Pitfalls and Shine in a Crowded Market

Here are five common PR mistakes AI startups must avoid.

Growing a Business

6 Things Every Brand Should Understand About PR

Public relations is an important part of business success, but brands don't always know what they're looking for. Here's what your publicist won't tell you about PR.


Harnessing the Power of YouTube SEO — How to Rank Your Videos Higher and Gain More Subscribers

If you want to build a successful YouTube presence and ensure your content reaches the right people, YouTube SEO is essential. You can increase engagement and subscriber base by combining high-quality video with metadata and on-page optimization.

Business News

Former OpenAI Board Member Reveals Why She Had CEO Sam Altman Fired

New details have emerged about the board decision that shook the tech world.

Growing a Business

Want to Be Better at Decision Making? Here are 5 Steps to Better Data-Driven Business Decisions

You often hear entrepreneurs say, "We don't know what we don't know," when talking about deficiencies in data gathering. But when you have data in silos, it's more a case of "We don't know what we DO know."


Hook Your Office up with an Atari for Only $50

Boost team morale with a vintage game console available for an affordable price.


Are You Guilty of Giving Out This Terrible Leadership Advice? Here's How to Help Others Think Big and Why its Key to Success

Thinking bigger sounds easy, but many people struggle with it. Here's why it matters and how to do it.

Side Hustle

This Former Tesla Employee Started a Side Hustle to Save Gen Z Time — Now It's Raised Over $40 Million From the CEOs of Salesforce, Uber and More

Dylan Diamond is co-founder and CEO of Saturn, the app that helps high schoolers manage busy schedules.

Business News

4 Air Defense Stocks With Stable Returns to Buy Now

The air defense industry is thriving thanks to increased defense budgets amid rising geopolitical conflicts and technological advancements in radar and AI. So, it could be wise to buy quality...


Turn Your Car into a Remote Workspace for Just $300, Now Through May 31

If working from anywhere includes your car, you can transform your ride into a comfortable living space with this easily assembled pop-up cabin.

Social Media

Stop Doing These 3 Things on Social Media, says Gary Vaynerchuk

Want to get the right attention? Here are three social strategies to stop — and three ones to start.

Business News

Are Stocks Stuck @ 5,300?

Stocks broke above 5,300 for the S&P 500 about two weeks ago. However, it is becoming harder to make more headway when the future of Fed rate cuts is so...

Business News

Glass Lewis urges Musk’s $56 billion pay be voted down

Glass Lewis & Co. have urged stakeholders to vote down the exorbitant $56 million pay packet that Elon Musk might receive. The proxy service advisor has criticized the billionaire, and...