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From Tragedy to Triumph: How Robert Palmer Redefines Success and Leads by Example in Life and Business Robert Palmer is a lifelong athlete and human performance coach to executives and entrepreneurs.

By Terry Rice Edited by Dan Bova

Courtesy of Robert Palmer

Robert Palmer is a lifelong athlete and human performance coach to executives and entrepreneurs.

In fact, he's my performance coach. I am grateful for his guidance, and I'm sure you'll enjoy learning from his journey as well.

As a human performance coach, Robert Palmer is literally a pro at helping others achieve high performance. But you don't get there without some major bumps in the road.

In today's episode, Robert shares:

  • His experience filling in as a father figure for his brother
  • The impact of suddenly losing an older sister
  • Re-examining his own beliefs
  • Committing to living a healthy life and following through

I'll share a few of my favorite quotes from Robert below.

Embracing Life's Challenges as Opportunities

"There's no such thing as tragedy because there's always, it's an experience. It's an opportunity for you to learn and grow."

Finding Purpose in Family Struggles

"For me, what it meant is. As it pertains to the subject matter, I have a challenge that I have to overcome. I need to make a decision about how I wanna lead the rest of my life, how I'm gonna be a steward for my family, and make clear decisions about how I'm gonna be infectious in the world."

Reframing Setbacks as Lessons for Growth

"I don't believe in losses. I only believe in wins, and I believe in learning lessons. There's no such thing as a loss for me."

Click here to listen on your platform of choice, or tune in below.

Learn more from our guest:

Instagram: @RobertLPalmer


Terry Rice

Entrepreneur Staff

Business Development Expert-in-Residence

Terry Rice is the Business Development Expert-in-Residence at Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Growth & Partnerships at Good People Digital; an agency that provides marketing and monetization solutions for entrepreneurs. He writes a newsletter about how to build your business and personal resilience and personal brand in just 5 minutes per week and created a revenue optimization checklist to help you multiply your income potential. 

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