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From Burnout to Breakthrough: How Hannah Nieves is Revolutionizing Women's Work and Life Hannah Nieves, founder of Maison, an AI-powered network for high net worth women founders, shares her journey from burnout to creating a revolutionary platform for women.

By Terry Rice Edited by Dan Bova

The Humble Lion

Hannah Nieves is a dynamic serial entrepreneur on a mission to revolutionize the way women work and live. Hannah is the founder of Maison, an AI powered private network for high net worth women founders.

She has also shared her expertise as a speaker at institutions like Northeastern University, NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center, and the Entrepreneur's Organization, and now with our podcast listeners.

Growing up, Hannah leaned on academics and achievement as a way to cope with a volatile home life. When burnout literally put her in the hospital, she had to reassess her work – and her habit of internalizing stress.

In today's episode, Hannah shares:

  • How childhood trauma showed up in her adult life.
  • How she healed from extreme burnout.
  • Practical ways to prioritize self-care to avoid burnout.

I'll share a few of my favorite quotes from my conversation with Hannah below:

Navigating Burnout

"What had happened over the course of my life was that any stressful moment I would just internalize in my gut. Then, four years ago, I went to the hospital because of that, and it took me to get to that point of not being able to literally eat besides bone broth, for me to realize, okay, I have to do something about this because this is going to either run my life or I can overcome this."

Transformative Challenges

"About a year and a half ago, I had a miscarriage, and it was a moment where my whole world stopped. I started questioning everything. What am I doing this for? What is the reasoning behind all this? That led me to think bigger and create something meaningful for other women like me."

Entrepreneurial Journey

"I started my business because of burnout. It was the catalyst that pushed me to create a platform and a vision that I'm pursuing now. It took a lot of healing and internal work to move past that burnout, but it was the best thing I could have ever done."

Click here to listen on your platform of choice, or tune in below.

Learn more from our guest:

Visit her website

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About Reclaim + Advance

Reclaim + Advance is a social impact podcast where we host vulnerable conversations with modern high performers. In each episode, we explore the lowest points of our guest's personal or professional life, how they recovered, and their life on the other side of hardship.

We have two goals:

First, if you're going through a tough time, you'll get the inspiration and guidance needed to continue your journey in a meaningful way.

Our second goal is to give you practical tools and science-backed frameworks that empower you to seize and even create opportunities, regardless of the associated challenges.

Tune in and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Terry Rice

Entrepreneur Staff

Business Development Expert-in-Residence

Terry Rice is the Business Development Expert-in-Residence at Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Growth & Partnerships at Good People Digital; an agency that provides marketing and monetization solutions for entrepreneurs. He writes a newsletter about how to build your business and personal resilience and personal brand in just 5 minutes per week and created a revenue optimization checklist to help you multiply your income potential. 

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