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7 Strategies for Building a Strong Company Culture in a Hybrid Work Environment This article provides strategies for building a strong and cohesive company culture in a hybrid work environment, articulating your mission and values, effective communication, inclusivity, employee engagement and flexible policies.

By Wei Hsu Edited by Chelsea Brown

Key Takeaways

  • Building a strong company culture in a hybrid work environment requires new strategies and a shift in perspective.
  • Strategies for building a strong company culture in a hybrid work environment include defining your core values and mission, leveraging technology for frequent communication, fostering inclusivity and diversity, encouraging employee engagement and more.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Host barbecues. Post staff shout-outs by the printer. Volunteer with colleagues at a local food bank. Building a company culture can be a fairly straightforward exercise with these types of activities — if your business maintains typical office hours on-site. However, those same strategies can fall flat or appear forced in a post-pandemic world when many businesses are now taking advantage of remote and hybrid working environments.

As CEO of INS Global, our company has helped countless companies embrace flexible working arrangements without sacrificing their company culture or losing the "workplace family" feel. Fostering a cohesive team spirit with a hybrid workforce demands new, deliberate strategies and a shift in perspective on your company culture.

Related: The Importance of Workplace Culture in a Hybrid Setting

1. Define core values and mission

Everyone deserves a sense of belonging and purpose, regardless of their work environment. The more aligned and empowered each team member feels to understand and carry out that mission, the more committed your teams will be to your culture. Try mixing it up to host friendly competitions on how to best describe or articulate your company mission and values. Consider hosting a "Creativity Competition" for employees to use AI-generated statements to best define the company mission, and create a virtual voting committee.

Let employees create stories, newsletters, blogs or even AI-generated images to exemplify what your company stands for. They will enjoy flexing their creativity and also contributing to company culture. Just as family traditions bind relatives together, defining core values and a mission statement serves as a unifying force for our team at INS Global.

2. Leverage technology for frequent communication

Just as regular calls and video chats keep us close to our long-distance family members, leveraging tools like Slack and Zoom can help employees maintain real-time communication and camaraderie even if they are not together in person. Virtual meetings are an easy way to ensure everyone stays connected and informed.

3. Foster inclusivity and diversity

At INS Global, we support companies as they actively seek diverse talent, which includes creating an environment where every voice is heard and valued. For hybrid teams, allow as much autonomy as possible in allowing each team to choose which day/time they gather in the office face-to-face. Ensure that decision-making processes are inclusive of all team members, regardless of their location, and have virtual team members joining meetings with their cameras on, even if they are not physically present.

4. Encourage employee engagement

Engagement activities in a company are like family traditions — they strengthen bonds and create memorable experiences. Virtual team-building exercises and traditions can contribute to shared experiences and strengthen relationships. For example, start a "Music Mondays" tradition, where employees post songs within a different theme each week to create company-suggested playlists. Or host company-wide online trivia team events.

Related: 5 Tips for Harnessing a Hybrid Model and Making It Work

5. Implement flexible policies

Nothing builds a strong company culture quite like satisfied and loyal employees. Go back to the basics of finding ways to boost employee productivity and morale by acknowledging and accommodating what your employees value most. In a post-pandemic world, flexible working arrangements tailored to individual needs continue to dominate employee satisfaction.

6. Support for distributed teams

When "company culture" is distilled down to its root, the word trust is a must. Demonstrating that you trust your employees to work in a hybrid arrangement and supporting your teams consistently is a strong representation of company trust. Consider outsourcing some of these cumbersome HR tasks so you can rest assured the consistency and accuracy of HR services is being provided across workplace boundaries. INS Global's Employer of Record services streamline HR processes and provide comprehensive support and benefits globally to ensure a seamless experience for all team members to trust that they are fully supported in their role, regardless of their location.

7. Recognize and reward achievements

Just as every family has traditions to recognize and reward hard work, the workplace family should aim to create similar recognition opportunities. Be even more intentional and frequent with celebrations of achievements by acknowledging milestones and successes. Virtual awards ceremonies and personalized recognition programs reinforce your appreciation for outstanding contributions and inspire continued excellence. Ensure that hybrid and remote workers have the same opportunity to progress and be recognized in their careers as on-site workers would.

Related: How to Manage a Happy and Healthy Hybrid Workforce

In conclusion, just as strong family bonds are nurtured through shared values, traditions and regular communication, building a robust company culture in a hybrid work environment requires similarly thoughtful strategies. By prioritizing inclusivity, engagement and flexibility, you too can cultivate a workplace where all team members feel connected and valued.

Let's build a culture that feels like home, no matter where work takes us.

Wei Hsu

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

CEO of INS Global

Wei Hsu is a Taiwanese/Spanish dual citizen and global entrepreneur. He worked successfully as an international business developer in Europe, South America, and Asia before creating INS Global in 2006. Today Wei leads offices worldwide, helping clients achieve their long-term expansion goals.

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