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How Tripp Lanier Turned Heartbreak into a Catalyst for Personal Growth – And How You Can Too Discover how Tripp Lanier's journey from heartbreak to healing offers practical lessons for entrepreneurs seeking resilience and growth

By Terry Rice Edited by Dan Bova

Tripp Lanier is a professional coach, author of This Book Will Make You Dangerous and host of The New Man Podcast, which has been downloaded millions over times over the last ten years.

Tripp describes his interior life after a breakup in his twenties as a house of cards tumbling to the ground. Suddenly, he was forced to confront emotional issues he had been actively avoiding for years – including his own mother's suicide.

In today's episode, Tripp explains how he rebuilt after that house of cards collapsed.

Key takeaways:

  • The epiphany that allowed Tripp to forgive his late mother.
  • How to handle the phrase "Everything happens for a reason."
  • Why getting curious can help you avoid a victim mentality.

I'll share a few of my favorite quotes from Tripp below.

On Gaining Perspective and Finding Forgiveness

"I remember laying there on the couch and I was just like, how do I make this stop? What do I have to do to make this stop? What could I do? ... Oh my God. Maybe that's part of what [my mother] was feeling, that she took that road. In that moment, I realized I didn't want to end my life, but I felt like I could see things from her perspective. I could sense what that door would be like and how it could provide relief in that really dark place. It was like a light switch."

Overcoming the Victim Mentality

"If that's their thing, like, 'Look at how bad things have gotten for me, and let's just talk about that.' … That's not helpful. I mean, it's not gonna help them solve their problems."

Embracing the Present Moment

"We're always coming back to where can I experience freedom, aliveness, love, and peace today – not at the end of some big finish line or at the end of some big accomplishment."

Click here to listen on your platform of choice, or tune in below.

Learn more from our guest:

Read This Book Will Make You Dangerous

Listen to Tripp's podcast, The New Man


Terry Rice

Entrepreneur Staff

Business Development Expert-in-Residence

Terry Rice is the Business Development Expert-in-Residence at Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Growth & Partnerships at Good People Digital; an agency that provides marketing and monetization solutions for entrepreneurs. He writes a newsletter about how to build your business and personal resilience and personal brand in just 5 minutes per week and created a revenue optimization checklist to help you multiply your income potential. 

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