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Business News

The 7 Secrets to the Most Effective Social-Media Campaigns

Here is a list of simple, actionable tips that drive successful social-media ads.

Business News

How to Create a Social-Media Marketing Plan From Scratch (Infographic)

You should choose the social networks that best fit your strategy and the goals you want to achieve on social media.

Business News

Beginner's Guide to Quora: The Most Helpful Uses for Marketers

From content ideas to establishing authority to content creation and so much more, Quora has a lot to offer -- even by spending just a few minutes there each day.

Business News

15 New Social-Media Templates to Save You Even More Time With Your Marketing

Imagine having a quick and fast way to get up to speed with social media or to get your work done in less time. You can -- with the right set of tools.

Business News

Free Options to Popular Paid Marketing Services and Tools

Call it the $0 marketing stack.

Business News

The 5 Most Meaningful Google Analytics Reports for Social-Media Marketers

There's just so much to look at, with so many new and unusual titles. Here, we try to make sense of it all.