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Mark Zuckerberg Warned Investors That Meta's AI Investment Won't Pay Off Immediately

Meta's CEO told shareholders during the Wednesday earnings call that Meta's stock volatility is par for the course for any new project.

Business News

I Work From a Cruise Ship for 3 Months a Year. Here's How I Stay Productive at Sea.

Improved WiFi speed and reliability have been game-changers for remote workers who want to work on a cruise.

Business News

Millennial Wealth Is Booming. It Turns Out Avocado Toast Didn't Tank Them After All.

It might finally be time for millennials to shine. They still might not be able to buy houses, though.

Business News

Early Retail Investors Chart Nvidia's Transformation From Gaming Icon to AI Superpower — a Ride That's Paid for Cars, Dream Homes, and Lavish Vacations

The stock's steep climb — up over 1,500% since 2019 — has transformed the lives of some of Nvidia's investors.

Business News

5 Things That Are Hard to Get Even If You're Pretty Rich

Money can buy a lot of things, but it still won't get you into Augusta National for a round of golf or Rao's for a round of meatballs.