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Business News

Unwrap Your Potential: 25 Productive Pursuits for Your Holiday Break

We all look forward to the holiday break because of the gatherings, decorations, warm cookies, and welcome time away from our daily schedules. A nagging question can creep in amid...

Business News

The 13 Time Management Secrets of Successful Project Managers

Project managers have many tasks to juggle, and they're accountable for exceptional time management skills to complete projects on time. Accordingly, one of their most important responsibilities is effectively managing...

Business News

Strategic Alignment: Align Meetings with Boss's Vision Through Calendar Management

Imagine walking into a meeting room, confident that every discussion, every point raised, and every decision made is seamlessly aligned with your boss’s vision. How is that possible, you ask?...

Business News

Executive Time Mastery: Perfectly Schedule Meetings on Boss's Calendar

Imagine juggling chainsaws while riding a unicycle on a high-wire – welcome to the world of executive time management! Mastering the delicate balance of tasks and meetings is an essential...

Business News

Surviving the Work Holiday Party: A Guide to Avoiding Embarrassment and Having Fun

With the holidays upon us, many workers must endure dreaded work holiday parties — some enjoy parties, some don’t. Despite their potential for mingling and letting loose, some people find...

Business News

How to Help Your Employees De-Stress During the Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time for many people. According to a Sleepopolis survey, eight out of ten Americans feel extra stress during the holidays. What's more, nearly...