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Facebook Boss Is Still Tech's Most Popular CEO
According to a new poll conducted this week by Morning Consult, nearly half of respondents view Mark Zuckerberg favorably.
Zenefits Lays Off 17 Percent of Workers to 'Refocus'
Zenefits has been in crisis mode for the last few weeks after removing its CEO and founder, Parker Conrad.
Snapchat Cuts Deal with Nielsen to Boost Status as Ad Platform
What this means for Snapchat is that it will now be able to show advertisers how ads are performing based on measurements that they are used to from other campaigns.
Mark Zuckerberg Takes Facebook Workers to Task Over 'All Lives Matter' Graffiti
People have been scratching out 'black lives matter' and writing 'all lives matter' on the company's signature wall, he reportedly wrote.
Take a Look at the Most 'Right-Swiped' Jobs on Tinder
And great news -- entrepreneurs are considered sexy by members of both genders.
Mastercard Is Expanding Its 'Selfie Pay' Capabilities
The credit card company first tested its facial recognition capabilities in August in the United States in October.