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Business News

8 Best Buys for Essential Gear

Here's what to buy among the gear everybody needs, from laptops and desktops to HDTVs.

Business News

Easy Solutions for Common E-Mail Headaches

Archive important messages for safekeeping, add an image to your mail signature, and clear out corrupted messages. Lincoln Spector answers your e-mail questions.

Business News

12 Unnecessary Vista Features You Can Disable Right Now

Vista, thy name is bloat!

Business News

5 Cool Hacks for Your Entertainment Gadgets

Add external storage to your TiVo, beef up your Xbox 360, rip DVDs to your media player, play your iTunes purchases on any device, and use your standard cable remote to skip commercials.

Business News

20 Tech Habits to Improve Your Life

A few new habits can make the difference between staying on task, finding what you need, and getting things done--or having a tech meltdown.

Business News

12 Sly Web Tricks That Put You in Control

Turn a Wi-Fi thief's world upside down. Send an e-mail that self-destructs. And ensure that your boss thinks you're always hard at work. These tweaks and tools let you gain the upper hand.