Use Your 'Duckface' to Buy Stuff Online -- Start Up Your Day Roundup Also: Those crunchy bits may not be peanuts in your Snickers bar.
By Carolyn Sun
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Looking for the latest headlines in small business, innovation and tech? Our Start Up Your Day recaps are posted every morning to keep you current.
Use your "duckface" to purchase stuff online? In a move to upgrade identification security, Mastercard wants to use your selfie and fingerprints as proof of authentication with online purchases, says CNNMoney. It's also considering using heart beat monitors, iris scans and voice recognition to verify your identiy.
Those crunchy bits aren't peanuts. Pieces of red plastic found in a Snickers bar in Germany prompted Mars Netherlands to initiate a massive recall due to choking risks in approximately 55 countries (primarily in Europe), reports Reuters.
Facebook builds the world's most detailed population map. Using high-resolution satellite photos and machine learning, Facebook is working to map out the location of every house and settlement in 20 countries, according to TechCrunch.
Five hundred "fancy" Starbucks to open in the U.S. In an effort to go after the premium market, the company is opening a chain of upscale stores called Starbucks Reserve, which features premium, limited-time coffee blends and chic interiors. Coffee starts at $4 a cup. Business Insider has more.
No more hoverboards. Target halted sales on hoverboards after the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission put out a report last week saying they're not safe, according to Mashable.