Airbnb: Page 8

Business News

What If Renting an Apartment Were as Easy as Booking an Airbnb?

AI startup Block wants to make finding your next rental apartment less of a nightmare.

Growing a Business

How to Overcome the Challenges and Reap the Benefits of Two-Sided Marketplaces

Uber, Amazon and Airbnb are all two-sided marketplaces. Is this model for you?

Side Hustle

Women Should Consider the Short-Term Rental and Travel Tech Ecosystems to Fund Their Businesses

Both segments have become catalysts to female financial independence worldwide and are a springboard to a career in tech.

Business News

15 Companies That Jeff Bezos Has Invested in

See where Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has invested his money.


Where To Go On Holiday? Experts Name Six Most-In Demand Destinations For A Life-Time Experience

Exotic international destinations are the flavour of the season and you need to visit these places and have an experience of a lifetime


5 Quick-Thinking Solutions That Saved Durable Businesses

No matter how well you plan or how far ahead you think, unexpected expenses and market shifts will catch you out. Then thinking on your feet alone will determine whether your company survives.

Side Hustle

20 Ways to Make Money from Home in 2023

Making money from home doesn't have to be complicated. Check out these 20 smart ways to make cash from the comfort of your computer desk.


Why is There No Discovery Interface in Healthcare?

The problem lies in the way the sector functions

Growth Strategies

Creating Entrepreneurs at the Last Mile

While digital economy may lead to some job loss, it ultimately creates more opportunities for people to upskill themselves

Growth Strategies

How Airbnb Is Extending Its Stay in China

The San Francisco-based company changed its name to 'Aibiying', which means 'welcome each other with love' in Chinese

Growth Strategies

#5 Ways to Make the Big Bucks in Real Estate

It's not just about maximising the profits and minimising the risk of losses, but also about offering peace of mind and boosting confidence in the investments

Growth Strategies

How this Video Marketing Start-up is Using Houses to Cut Down its Location Costs

Shooting great videos need great locations (sets or studios) that works well in most cases if you are not running on a shorter project deadline.

News and Trends

New Enforcement in Japan Has Become a Big Hurdle for these two Global Giants

Here's why regulations have been changed in Japan and what is causing a trouble to global companies

Thought Leaders

7 Common Misconceptions Young People Have About Entrepreneurship

What people think entrepreneurship is often bears little resemblance to the grind the typical entrepreneur is living.