Algorithm: Page 3

Business News

After Trending Topics Scandal Breaks, Facebook Says 'Rigorous Guidelines' Exist to Maintain Neutrality

The social media network says no news outlets are prohibited from appearing on its trending topics list.

Business News

Facebook Reportedly Suppressed These Kinds of Stories

The claim comes from a journalist who worked on the platform's 'trending' sidebar, which shows popular articles and topics on a certain day.

Business News

Facebook Is Making a Change That Will Cut Down on the Clickbait in Your Newsfeed

The social network is tweaking the algorithm it uses to determine what posts and articles to show you to take into account the 'time spent viewing' an article as an indicator of quality.

Social Media

Ignore the Uproar. The Instagram Algorithm Change Is a Good Thing.

Ranking newsfeeds by relevancy instead of chronology has upset many but doesn't change the fundamentals for succeeding on Instagram.

Social Media

Twitter Introduces New Timeline That Places 'Best' Tweets First

The announcement comes days after CEO Jack Dorsey softly debunked the possible change.

Science & Technology

The Evolution of Important Google Search Algorithm Updates (Infographic)

Learn more about Mobilegeddon and RankBrain, two progressively gentler updates used recently by the search giant.


Stay Ahead of the Competition With These 6 Content-Marketing Trends

Vibrant new marketing tools such as automation, complex niches and artificial intelligence will help your business lead the pack.

Science & Technology

Why on Earth Does eHarmony Offer Real-Life Matchmakers?

Online dating sites are supposed to be confident in their algorithms, which makes eHarmony's $5,000-a-year eH+ service all the more perplexing.

Thought Leaders

Meet the eHarmony of Tutoring

If it works for dates, it should work for matching students with tutors.

Social Media

Your Twitter Timeline Is About to Get a Lot More Cluttered

Up until now, your timeline was limited to tweets and retweets from people you follow. But that's all changing.


Leveraging Big Data to Boost Click-Through Rates

Retention Science uses predictive algorithms to create automated marketing campaigns for companies based on customers' buying patterns.

Social Media

Facebook Shares Social Strategies at First-Ever Small Business Boot Camp

Roughly 900 local business owners attended the symposium, marking Facebook's first-ever effort to reach out to entrepreneurs face-to-face.

Data & Recovery

Google's Latest Search Update is a Reminder to Focus on Quality

The search giant recently rolled out a new version of Panda, which routes out spam and websites stuffed with keywords.

Thought Leaders

Want Last Night's Sports Game to Remain Spoiler Free? There's an App for That.

Spoiler Shield lets users to block all social media updates pertaining to certain TV shows and sports teams.