Animals: Page 2

Business News

Flies, Birds and Baby Bears: How Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Jimmy Fallon Have Handled Animals on TV

Animals can be wonderful but unpredictable and distracting. Here are five examples of how public figures have reacted to critters on TV in the past few years.

Business News

Pence and the Fly: How to Swat Distractions as a Public Speaker

If something unexpected happens, make the incongruity work in your favor.

Thought Leaders

How 3 Veterinarian Best Friends Built a Business That Delivers Happy Barks and Happier Poops

On this episode of the 'Get a Real Job' podcast, a conversation with the doctors from Animal Planet's 'The Vet Life.'

Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurs Who Bring Their Dogs to Work Need These 10 Products

If every day is Bring Your Dog to Work Day, these things will make the day easier for everyone.

Business News

Biotech Startups Pounce on Cultured Pet Food

Methods of production vary, but they all provide sustenance without any environmental damage or animal suffering.

Business News

Tesla Working on a Fix for Dangerous 'Dog Mode' Flaw

Watch out if you use the feature to keep your furry friends cool.


Examples of Pet Business Ideas

Do you love animals? Do you want to start a business that either supports pets or deals directly with them? A pet business idea might be the opportunity for you.


Doing Right by the Animals Used in Food Products Is a Costly But Worthy Business Investment

More and more consumers want to know the source of the products they buy, so it's on business owners to use the best ingredients.

Science & Technology

An Undercover Investigation Exposed Horrible Animal Abuse at a Coca Cola-Affiliated Dairy Farm

Activists filmed several instances of abuse at Fair Oaks Farms in Indiana.

Starting a Business

5 Jobs for Animal Lovers Looking to Make Extra Money (60-Second Video)

If you're an animal lover, consider these low-cost side jobs to make extra money.

Business News

Ford Created a Noise-Canceling Doghouse

Ford took the noise-canceling technology used in its Edge SUV and repurposed it for use in a doghouse.

Social Media

The Creator of WeRateDogs Makes Five Figures a Month By Posting Cute Canines Online. Here's How.

Matt Nelson rates dogs of all shapes and sizes across social media -- and he's built up a following of more than 7 million.


Tiger, Peacock, Owl, Koala-which Kind of Leader Are You?

While one establishes discipline and takes on responsibility in critical situations, the other is suitable for professional organizations

Social Media

The 'Hot Vet' of Instagram Shares What He's Learned About Brand-Building, Human Nature and Pet Allergies With His 1 Million Followers

Dr. Evan Antin's Instagram account is a mix of animal trivia, eye candy, childhood photos and more.