Ask the Expert: Page 8

Thought Leaders

5 Secrets to Finding and Working With a Mentor

Finding a mentor may seem like a daunting task, but it's really not that difficult -- and both the process and outcome can be quite rewarding.


The 5 Slides You Must Have In Your Pitch Deck

You don't need a lot of slides, but the ones you do have must concise and compelling.


The 6 Questions Entrepreneurs Should Be Prepared for Investors to Ask

Founders can't just present a pitch deck to investors and think they will get funding. They need to be prepared for all sorts of questions.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Venture Capitalist Tony Conrad.

Venture capitalist Tony Conrad is looking to take your questions on raising funds, approaching investors, structuring deals, making your pitch stand out and more.

Buying / Investing in Business

The 3 Things You Must Do Before You Approach an Investor

Many entrepreneurs want to go directly to the source the moment an idea strikes or at the first sign of growth, but you need to first prove the business to yourself before asking others to believe in it.


Here's How to Make Sure Your Company Is Ready for Online Marketing

While social media and marketing can definitely help boost a brand's online presence, there are a few other things companies should do before investing resources to these areas.

Growing a Business

How Startup Founders Should Be Setting Long-Term Goals

Entrepreneurs need to understand what goals matter the most to their company and focus on setting goals, reviewing these milestones and seeking advice.

Thought Leaders

Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Matt Williams.

The man that shadowed Jeff Bezos and later became the founder of is looking to take your questions about leadership, scaling, funding, building a team, raising venture capital and determining product-market fit.


Here Is How to Boost Your Social-Media Following

It takes a matrix of methods and a continuous commitment to create, establish, build and maintain a social-media presence and following.


How to Do PR on the Cheap

The digital world has opened up a whole new world of marketing when you have a shoestring budget.


This One Tip Will Help People Pay Attention to Your Webinar

When it comes to putting together content for a webinar, here is a piece of advice that should guide your thinking.


The No. 1 Marketing Strategy Businesses Need to Be Using

Really good marketing begins and ends with your customer.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Jim Joseph.

Our expert Jim Joseph is looking to take your questions on everything marketing including branding, positioning, social media and the digital world.


Before You Bring on Your Next Employee, Check These 3 Things Off Your List

Bringing on a new employee shouldn't be taken lightly. Here are three things to consider before welcoming the individual to the team.


The 3 Key Elements to Make Your Business a Success

Once you've created a product or service that has market fit, these three factors can help take your company to the next level.