AT&T: Page 3

Business News

AT&T's Latest Move Should Have Net Neutrality Advocates Freaking Out

The telecom giant has signed on the first significant customer to its sponsored controversial data program.

Business News

AT&T and DirecTV Ink $49 Billion Merger

As the television industry continues to evolve and the mobile market matures, players within the telecommunications industry are seeking to band together and scale up.

Business News

Another Mega Merger: AT&T Reportedly Eyeing $40 Billion Purchase of DirecTV

A new report alleges telecommunications giant AT&T has approached DirecTV about a merger that could be worth as much as $40 billion.

Data & Recovery

AT&T Thinks It Can Provide Seamless Wi-Fi at 30,000 Feet

The telecommunications company said that by late 2015, it would build a new air-to-ground network based on 4G LTE, creating a better wireless experience on continental flights.


Here's One Big Reason Mobile Carriers Don't Want a 'Kill Switch' on Smartphones

A new report shows how many billions of dollars companies such as Verizon and AT&T could lose each year if smartphone theft decreases.


From American Express to eBay, Businesses Cheer Arizona's Vetoing of Anti-Gay Bill

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed a law that would have given business owners the right to refuse service to customers because of religious beliefs.

Science & Technology

3 Steps to Changing Mobile Service Carriers

If coverage is weak and hurting your business, consider these tips for trying to get better mobile service.

Science & Technology

Online Stores Make Shopping for Business-Related Apps Easier

The three largest U.S. wireless providers have launched websites to hawk their business-focused mobile apps.