Attention: Page 2

Money & Finance

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book

Books get you attention. Attention gets you money.


What Businesses Value More Than Money Today

Yes, something is more valuable than revenue for you today. After all, what would you do if no one cares to listen to what you are saying?

Business Process

Create Effective Sales Campaigns with Showmanship

The begins when you learn how to catch the customer's eye.

Science & Technology

How Workers Really Feel About Video Conferences (Infographic)

Employees of all ages may not be entirely comfortable on video, but they are more attentive.


Hey Bartender, I'll Do a Shot of Book

Later this year, author James Patterson will release a new line of books he calls BookShots -- cheap and to-the-point to capture and keep customers' attention. Kind of like Jack Daniels.


'Entrepreneurial ADHD' and How to Deal With It

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can actually be an advantage if you're an entrepreneur.


How Blowing a Whistle at 3 a.m. Meant Big Business for One Referee

Sometimes, all it takes is waking up 400 people in the middle of the night to launch your product to success. Here's how you can make customers stand up and pay attention.

Thought Leaders

Donald Trump Can Get Away With It, But You Can't

The tale of a local diner owner who sought local elected office, and the dangers he faced with his business.


Are You Maximizing Your Prospect's 'Currency of Attention'?

If we think of attention as currency, it represents something of a commodity -- highly valuable but limited in supply.


Attention Is the New Currency for Brand Advertising

It's not enough to simply know an ad was placed in front of an audience. Marketers need to dig deeper to find out if it was truly effective.


The Many Benefits of Doing One Thing at a Time

Multitasking is just a fancy word for being unfocused. There are big benefits to paying full attention to what we are doing or who we are with.

Thought Leaders

Give the Gift of Your Presence

An artisan-based business in a small town provides a great lessons that would benefit any entrepreneur.


The Danger of Continuous Partial Attention

Your distractions are keeping you from being alert, attentive and focused and can hamper your post-event follow up not to mention your day to day activities.