Belief: Page 2
You Can Become An Entrepreneur with the Desire to Solve Problems
I feel for an entrepreneur to fight the tide and follow his dreams; they have to be driven by their desire to solve problems that people have.
5 Ways to Leverage Your Pain, Disappointments and Hurt
Why do you believe what you believe? Once you start asking questions, your outlook may change.
Here Is the Antidote for Your Shiny Object Syndrome
Take advantage of the latest and best but don't drop your plan and start doubting yourself.
To Achieve Your Full Potential Stop Telling Yourself These 5 Lies
Stop focusing on what's beyond your control and start considering what you can improve.
The 7 Biggest Lies We Believe About Success
Forget what you think you know about success and begin the hard work of learning the truth about it.
Practicing Spirituality at Work Ensures a Judgment-Free Workplace
Sitting next to each other, every single day, at work, bringing results in the workforce, are connected spirits, whether we want to admit that or not.
What the Amish Can Teach You About Building a Successful Business
Nothing grows a business like remembering good, old fashioned principles.
How Justin Bieber Lives His Faith in His Work
The measure of a man is not demonstrated by speed in which he runs his race, but rather by how well he can rise up when he trips and falls.
How Chronic Pain Made Me A Stronger Person
It's hard as hell to live with pain, but it's harder to just sit by and watch your life waste away.
Why I Changed My CEO Salary to $1 a Year
When our goal is to add value to the marketplace and our fellow man, our lifestyle will change and wealth tends to follow our efforts.
The Biggest Barrier to Wealth Is Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
Lots of smart people have doubts about themselves and misconceptions about money that are long overdue for reexamining.
How to Shift Your Attitude at Work, on Even the Worst Days
We show what we believe in by our attitudes at work. Shift to a more positive frame of mind.
5 High-Performing Habits to Instill in Your Culture
Whatever your organizational values, vision and beliefs are you'll need the behaviors to support them.
What Determines the Winners and Losers in Entrepreneurship?
For the most part, it's not an outside factor, and it's something early stage investors always look for.