Berkshire Hathaway: Page 2

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3 Resilient Stocks to Buy for Retirement

We've put together the following list of 3 resilient stocks to buy for retirement. Let's take a deeper look at what makes these great picks for the long haul.


Berkshire Hathaway de Warren Buffett revela una participación de $ 4 mil millones en una importante compañía tecnológica, y las acciones se disparan

La inversión otorga a Berkshire Hathaway una participación de aproximadamente el 11,4% en la empresa multinacional de tecnologías de la información.

Business News

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Reveals $4 Billion Stake in Major Tech Company — and Shares Are Skyrocketing

The investment gives Berkshire Hathaway an approximately 11.4% stake in the multinational information technology company.


Warren Buffett acaba de anunciar su mayor acuerdo en años

La medida se produce después de una carta de accionistas de 2022 en la que Buffett y el vicepresidente de Berkshire Hathaway, Charlie Munger, dijeron que encontraron poco sobre los grandes acuerdos que los 'entusiasme'.

Business News

Warren Buffett Just Announced His Biggest Deal in Years

The move comes after a 2022 shareholder letter in which Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charlie Munger said they found little about large deals that 'excites' them.


Warren Buffett gana más de $ 120 mil millones con el hito de $ 3 billones de Apple: 'Probablemente sea el mejor negocio que conozco en el mundo'

El inversionista multimillonario se ha referido a la compañía como uno de los negocios más grandes de Berkshire Hathaway, solo en tercer lugar entre sus intereses de seguros y ferrocarriles.

Business News

Warren Buffett Makes More Than $120 Billion on Apple's $3 Trillion Milestone: 'It's Probably the Best Business I Know in the World'

The billionaire investor has referred to the company as one of Berkshire Hathaway's largest businesses, third only to its insurance and railroad interests.

Business News

Berkshire Hathaway Reports 18% Gain in Operating Profit, With Its Cash Pile at Record $149 Billion

The continued recovery of railroad, utilities and energy businesses has contributed to the double-digit increase.


Berkshire Hathaway reporta un aumento del 18% en las ganancias operativas, con su pila de efectivo en un récord de $ 149 mil millones

La continua recuperación de los negocios de ferrocarriles, servicios públicos y energía ha contribuido al aumento de dos dígitos.

Business News

Warren Buffett Reveals Who Will Be His Successor Once He Leaves

Though the billionaire investor has not announced any plans to step down, he acknowledged that he has a successor in mind.

Business News

Warren Buffett Turned Down the Chance to Buy Whole Foods in 2017, CEO John Mackey Says

Whole Foods CEO and cofounder John Mackey and his team approached Buffett about a buyout, but the billionaire investor and head of Berkshire Hathaway said it wouldn't be a good fit.

Business News

Elon Musk's Net Worth Passes Warren Buffett's After Tesla Stock Reaches All-Time High

Tesla stock, of which Musk is the largest holder, continues to hit record highs. Buffett, meanwhile, donated almost $3 billion of Berkshire Hathaway stock, causing his riches to shrink.

Business News

Someone Just Paid a Record $4.6 Million to Eat Lunch With Warren Buffett

An anonymous bidder won Warren Buffet's annual charity auction lunch with a record bid of $4.6 million.

Thought Leaders

Here's What I Learned at Warren Buffett's 2019 Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Meeting

Entrepreneur Insider expert Mike Koenigs shares his key takeaways on Warren Buffett's approach to business.

Business News

Apple's First iPhone Game in Over a Decade Stars Warren Buffett

Think of it as 'Paperboy' for billionaires.