Big Data: Page 8

Science & Technology

The Future of Data Is Streams, Not Snapshots

Three steps for stepping up your numbers game in the age of immediacy.

Growth Strategies

The How-To: Using Consumer Intelligence To Revolutionize How Your Business Uses Its Data

Consumer intelligence is all about analyzing data to get inside your consumers' heads.


The Power of Data: Four Ways Process Mining Can Save Your Business

Businesses today are not reaping the benefits of what we call 'process mining', instead relying on human instinct as a metric of process efficiency


Is Your Brand Engaging or Intrusive?

A brief guide to developing constructive consumer relationships.


This AI-powered Data Intelligence Provider Gained From Tighter Privacy Regulations

Having recently raised $100 million in funding, the start-up is going full throttle as the debate around data privacy grows across the world.

Science & Technology

Technology Is Changing Insurance for The Better

An entire industry has become both more efficient and secure.


Here's How Big Data Analytics is Changing the Face of Precision Medicine

"Big health data" generated from patient health records, diagnosis, genomic sequencing, medical research, smart devices, wearables holds the potential to transform healthcare & deliver personalized medicine


Thinking Smart, Lenovo Forays into Commercial IoT & Security Solutions

Leading the way towards intelligent transformation for enterprises, Lenovo launches new range of solutions for enterprises


Would You Interact with a Chatbot that's Unfriendly? 67% Users Say No!

Urban English speakers are more likely to re-engage with 'friendly' assistants than purely 'transactional' ones


How Digitization and Technology Power the FMCG Sector's Future Growth in India

The ability to digitize fast, optimize the use of Big Data Analytics & improve customer experience via e-retail will be the biggest differentiator as firms undertake digital transformation

Science & Technology

How Startups Can Use AI-Powered Tools to Scale Up

With limited budget and resources, startups turn to AI to increase productivity.


Smart Dubai's Dubai Pulse Platform Lets Startups Take The Lead With Data

For any entrepreneur wanting to change the game, data is the topmost indicator of potential startup success.


5 Reasons Why AR and VR Strategy is a Must for Your Business

Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital objects and information over the physical world to provide an enhanced version of the real world

News and Trends

Going Digital: From Notebooks to an Application to Inform Your Family About Your Investments

In order to ensure easy and quick availability of investments to your family members when they require it, you need a reliable and secure digital platform


Say No to Male-Dominated Industries: Gender Inequality in Blockchain

Blockchain is no different as there are women team members in only 14.5 per cent of 100 blockchain startups