Body Language: Page 4

Thought Leaders

7 Body-Language Hacks to Try When Meeting New People

Do you know what a "power pose" is? Time to learn.


Think You Sound Confident and in Control? Your Voice Says Otherwise.

Turns out you use different pitches with different types of people. It's a matter of dominance.

Thought Leaders

10 Ways to Become a Super-Likable Person

Everybody likes a person who listens compassionately and speaks with honesty.


Don't Underestimate the Importance of Making a Good First Impression

It's very hard to give a presentation so good that it overcomes a bad first impression.


13 Body Language Blunders That Can Make You Look Bad

Our bodies have a language of their own, and their words aren't always kind.


How a Hostage Negotiator's Secrets Can Protect Your Business

Making the deal is less risky when you know how to spot a fraud.


7 Ways Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words

Even when people hear your words they are watching what you say.

Growing a Business

3 Critical Business Skills You Need to Master -- Now

You might be surprised at how important body language is to the success of an entrepreneur.


Are You Approachable or Alienating?

The way you stand can actually make up a person's mind as to whether or not they want to meet and talk to you.


Hillary Clinton Conquered These 3 Psychological Traits to Take the Lead

While she was bloodied by attacks from all sides, Clinton stood strong and minimized exposure by staying focused on her message.

Growth Strategies

When Stakes Are High – For Startups And Investors

Here are a few tips for investors to keep in mind when they meet teams they have never encountered before.

Growing a Business

Listen Up! Here Are 6 Ways to Become a Great Communicator.

All you need is just a little patience and five other strategies to be a better listener.


Seven Body Language Cues Entrepreneurs Need To Be Aware Of

Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly giving off body signals that affect how others perceive us.

Business News

5 Body Language Mistakes You Should Avoid at Work

Communication is not only verbal but also includes mimics and gestures.

Thought Leaders

3 Delightfully Simple Steps to Communicating With Confidence

When you are your authentic self and sincerely interested in adding value, the rest comes naturally.