Building Buzz: Page 2

Starting a Business

The 5 Key Elements of a Great Direct Mail Sales Piece

If you're new to direct mail, these 5 tips can help you create a sales piece that attracts a buying audience.

Business News

LISTEN: How to Make a Million Dollars Online

In this podcast, entrepreneur Lewis Howes explains how you can build your audience, establish credibility and start selling now.

Growing a Business

How Your Alma Mater Can Jumpstart Your PR

In the publicity game, you'll want to cover all of your bases -- even the ones right under your nose.

Business News

What Not to Hook a Media Pitch to, Ever

You may think your product or service is always newsworthy, but that's not typically the case. Here are a few press pitches that can quickly crash and burn -- and how to avoid them.

Business News

Should You Name Drop Another Startup?

"We're the Facebook of ___." Why some startups want to draw comparisons with larger counterparts, while others don't.

Business News

3 Tips for Landing Press for Your Startup

Business coach Antonio Neves offers his top tips for landing the media's attention -- and putting your startup in the spotlight.

Business News

3 Ways to Determine If Your Startup Is Ready for Press

While most young entrepreneurs want to grab the spotlight, few are really ready to handle it. Here, business coach Antonio Neves ticks off three must-have ingredients before your startup is ready for prime time.

Business News

How to Launch a Successful Brand Ambassador Initiative

You don't need a giant ad budget to get your customers pumped up about your company. Sometimes all you need are a few super fans.

Business News

Tech Savvy and Awkward: How To Communicate With Confidence

Business coach Antonio Neves gives his three tips for how to best communicate when communicating isn't your forte.

Business News

3 Ways to Land Media Attention Without a News Pitch

Your company may in fact be awesome, but the media rarely responds to self-aggrandizing pitches. Here are three ways to generate headlines during a slow-news moment.

Business News

Social-Media Maven Amy Jo Martin on Working Hard and Being a Renegade

Digital Royalty's Amy Jo Martin left the Phoenix Suns to launch her digital and social-media empire. Here are her tips for how to score more points with customers.

Business News

4 Steps to Creating Buzz on a Shoestring Budget

When marketing a startup, a leaner more directed approach is often best. Here's a four-step process.

Business News

Live Chat with Social-Media Maven Jason Sadler

Check out our recent live chat with's Jason Sadler and Adina Grigore of Sprout Skincare.

Business News

How to Humanize Your Brand and Build Social-Media Buzz

When it comes to starting up, one of the biggest drivers you'll have in finding customers is your current customers. Here's how to keep them happy -- and chatty.

Business News

4 Must-Have Elements in a Successful Media Pitch

When you're trying to build buzz about your startup, consider the details. Here are some absolute must-haves in your pitch to the media.