Buying a Business: Page 4

Growth Strategies

Freshdesk Buys Social Customer Service Startup Airwoot

Airwoot is the company's fifth acquisition in the past 12 months.

Buying / Investing in Business

3 Factors That Distinguish an Actual Business From a Novelty

Is that website you're looking to buy a smart bet? Do your due diligence first. Here's how.

Business News

Foxconn to Pay Approximately $3.5 Billion in Sharp Takeover

Foxconn cut its initial offer by nearly $900 million following the emergence of previously undisclosed liabilities at Sharp.

Business Ideas

Guide to Small Business Ideas

You want to start your own business. What business idea is right for you? Let's review three common ones.

Buying / Investing in Business

6 Factors in Taking Over an Existing Business

Buying a business involves more upfront cost but less risk than starting from scratch.

Buying / Investing in Business

5 Areas to Assess When Evaluating a Website for Sale

Experienced investors usually have a well-defined auditing process that they follow to assess the websites they're interested in purchasing.

Buying / Investing in Business

4 Ways to Find an Online Business for Sale

Buying is a particularly attractive option, because a lot of the legwork is already done for you.

Business Ideas

4 Reasons an Online Business Is a Solid Investment

There are many benefits of being a web entrepreneur. But should you start your own company, or buy an existing one.

Buying / Investing in Business

How to Find, Buy and Turn Around a Fixer-Upper Business

Here's what you need to know if you plan on rehabbing an existing business.


How to Buy a Business With Seller Financing

A look at when seller financing makes sense and how to vet the deal.

Business News

Raytheon to Buy Cybersecurity Company Websense for $1.9 Billion

The U.S. arms maker is buying the network security provider as cybersecurity continues to grow as a market.

Buying / Investing in Business

4 Tips to Follow Before Buying a Business

Purchasing an existing venture can be very rewarding, or it can be a nightmare.

Thought Leaders

Bennigan's CEO Puts His Money Where His Mouth Is and Buys the Company

Seven years after Bennigan's declared bankruptcy, the CEO who resurrected the restaurant chain is buying the company.

Buying / Investing in Business

A Glitter Bomb? 3 Critical Questions the Buyer of ShipYourEnemiesGlitter Should Have Asked.

Did the buyer of the viral website waste his money? Due Diligence would have helped.