

Lanzan un kit de detección de cáncer para perros basado en tecnología

La tecnología se aplica en la neurona olfativa hipersensible conocida como Caenorhabditis elegans, la cual es capaz de detectar metabolitos del cáncer cuando se exponen a la orina que los contiene.

Business News

Steve Jobs's Son Is Diving Into Venture Capital — and His Focus Hits Close to Home

Reed Jobs, 31, launched venture capital firm Yosemite, which already boasts $200 million from investors and institutions.

Business News

Hundreds of People Mistakenly Told They Have Cancer in Biotech Software Mishap

The biotechnology company, Grail, said a software issue caused one of its vendors to accidentally send nearly 400 letters mistakenly telling patients they have cancer.


Fight Against Cancer: Meet Some Indian Startups On This Journey

It is more optimistic to see the cancer survivorship statistics where it is reported that more than 18 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive on January 1, 2022.


Cancer Warriors: Designer Varun Bahl, actor Sanjana Sanghi Come Together For Festival Of Hope

Recently, entrepreneur Shalini Vig and fashion designer Varun Bahl hosted the 15th edition of the Festival of Hope.


Reducción de la carga del cáncer en las comunidades negras: el papel de la educación y el apoyo de los inversores

Las personas negras tienen más probabilidades de morir de cáncer que otros grupos raciales; sin embargo, existe una subrepresentación significativa de proveedores de atención médica, científicos y defensores negros que pueden ayudar a facilitar la detección temprana del cáncer y mejores resultados de salud.

Business News

Reducing the Cancer Burden in Black Communities: The Role of Education and Investor Support

Black people are more likely to die from cancer than other racial group, yet there is significant underrepresentation of Black healthcare providers, scientists and advocates who can help to facilitate earlier cancer detection and better health outcomes.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

The campaign that uses NFT's to raise awareness around testicular cancer

The spherical NFT's represent the testicles and one thing is essential: you have to learn to take care of them.


La campaña que utiliza NFT's para crear conciencia en torno al cáncer testicular

Los NFT's esféricos representan a los testículos y una cosa es fundamental: tienes que aprender a cuidarlos.

Mujeres emprendedoras

Un diagnóstico de cáncer de mama finalmente transformó mi vida y mi negocio para mejor

El duro proceso de tratamiento y recuperación también impulsó la oportunidad de transformar mi negocio en uno que respalde mejor la vida que quiero.

Thought Leaders

A Breast Cancer Diagnosis Ultimately Transformed My Life and Business for the Better

The hard process of treatment and recovery also fueled an opportunity to transform my business into one that better supports the life I want.


Mantener su negocio en marcha cuando recibe un diagnóstico de cáncer

Lanzar una empresa ya es bastante difícil. Pero recibir un diagnóstico de cáncer te obliga a repensar todo.

Health & Wellness

Keeping Your Business Going When You Get a Cancer Diagnosis

Launching a business is hard enough. But getting a cancer diagnosis forces you rethink everything.


Five Indian Startups Taking On Cancer

To help the healthcare industry and simultaneously bring life-changing innovation, several Indian startups are working to return the hope that was once lost among cancer patients


This 34-Year-Old Is Enhancing Cancer Patients' Experience By Providing End-End Care Management

Rashie Jain's currently serves over 12,000 cancer patients every month and has served over 150,000 patients from India and other emerging markets