Cities: Page 2

Growing a Business

Why Remote Work Can Help Bridge the Hiring Gap, Especially for Rural Professionals

Working and hiring remotely can improve the economy and make a difference in people's lives.


Expanding the Local Talent Supply Requires Competitors to Collaborate

To build a regional tech hub takes the cooperation of stakeholders in local government, the c-suite and higher education.

News and Trends

Cities in Asia-Pacific Ahead in the Race of Short-term Economic Momentum

According to a report, cities in Asia have the strongest short-term economic and real estate market momentum.

Business News

Amazon May Split HQ2 Between Crystal City, Va., and Long Island City, N.Y.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Amazon is in final negotiations and plans to split its second headquarters evenly between two East Coast cities.

News and Trends

China Tops the List for Fastest Growing Cities

Large Chinese metro areas experienced an 88.1 per cent growth in employment while the rest of the country lost 11.5 per cent of its workers, the report said

Business News

10 Tips for Landing a Job in a New City

When it comes to moving to a new city, there are so many things to take into consideration, including employment.

Business News

4 Obvious Pros and 4 Disconcerting Cons for Whatever City Wins Amazon's HQ2

Along with everything good cities want. A multibillion-dollar investment and thousands of new jobs will raise housing costs, tighten labor markets and clog streets.

Business News

5 Best Cities Around the World to Launch a Startup

Forget Silicon Valley -- these five cities are thriving.

Business News

Elon Musk's Boring Company to Prioritize Pedestrians Over Cars

A new concept video focuses on shuttles for people and bikes.

Science & Technology

Cities and Tech Companies Can Accomplish Great Things Together

By partnering early and sharing data, cities and technology companies can create regulations that build new industries.

Business News

Elon Musk's Boring Company Shares Map of Proposed L.A. Tunnel Network

Phase 1 is a 6.5-mile proof-of-concept tunnel that will eventually be opened to the public if regulators agree.

Business News

A New Study Predicts the Top 13 Places Where Amazon Could Build Its New Headquarters

Cities are jockeying to offer the best deal for Amazon, hoping to lure more jobs and infrastructure development.


The Most Expensive Cities for Business Travel in 2017

If you're looking to cut back on company spending, you might want to avoid sending employees to these cities.

Thought Leaders

You'll Never Guess the Cities Where Startups Are Growing Fastest Today

While San Jose and Boston are well-known startup hubs, a few southern and midwestern cities made their way onto this year's list.