Community building: Page 6
The 'Entrepreneur's Obligation': Investing in Your Startup Ecosystem
Helping local small businesses isn't just the right thing to do. It's good for business.
5 Ways to Become More Socially Responsible That Make Your Company Better
A company gets more proficient and profitable when it is focused on the well being of everyone it touches.
Product Hunt Is the Latest Darling of the Startup World, Despite Grumbles About Transparency
Founder Ryan Hoover explains that the camaraderie of the community is what sets the startup platform apart and allows startups to excel.
Community Is the Best Company Culture
Cultures force employees to conform to rules -- both implicit and explicit -- which breed alienation. To foster inclusivity, build a community guided by shared values.
How the Power of Entrepreneurial Relationships Is Rebuilding Baltimore
The entrepreneurial knack for seeing opportunity where others are daunted is energizing a proud city struggling through difficult times.
5 Tips for Launching a Non-Profit Campaign on Kickstarter
Isabel Sheinman, director of business development at Library for All, shares strategies for success on the crowdfunding platform.
Sailo Wants to Be Your Airbnb for Yachting
This new startup connects boat owners with renters.
This Family Restaurant Had to Improve the Entire Neighborhood to Succeed
Cafe Prima Pasta is a beloved Miami Beach eatery that put down roots 20 years ago in a rundown neighborhood that was scary to visit at night.
Improving Where They Live Seems to Come Naturally to Family Businesses
Entrepreneurs who build companies with their own families are the bedrock of communities around the country.
For Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries to Succeed, They Need This
Just like entrepreneurs living in Silicon Valley, founders in developing countries need one important element to thrive.
A Startup That Tastes Good and Does Good
Greyston Bakery has a social mission that's baked in to the business itself.
5 Lessons From Silicon Valley for Developing Business Hubs
You don't need to pack up and move to northern California to find inspiration. Take these cues to build a community in your location.
5 Easy Ways to Make Philanthropy Part of Your Company Culture
Charitable organizations, large and small, need your time and expertise as much as your money.
To Nurture Business Customer Loyalty, Foster Community
Connecting customers with each other to discuss common challenges builds tight bonds with you.
Social Media Where Global Strangers Become Your Neighbor
When building a social media presence for your company, relationships and trust are key.