Competition: Page 8

Science & Technology

These 5 'Jetpacks' Just Won Big at an International Competition to Build Personal Flying Devices

Gwen Lighter launched GoFly, a $2 million international flying device competition, in 2017. These five creations won the prototype phase.


How to Make your Business Successful

Success is the utmost thing for every business entity and therefore, the company owner employs different types of marketing strategies to increase revenue


How (Not Why) You Need to Start Hiring People Smarter Than Yourself

Why wouldn't you hire an advisor who shares the same world view? How is it really different from hiring someone who is a 'cultural fit'?

Business News

Competition Is Getting Fierce in the White-Hot Oat Milk Space

First, there was Oatly. Now, established players and startups alike have their own oat milk products.

Growing a Business

Strategy Vs. Execution: Which Is More Important to Your Company's Success?

If you had to choose, would you say a sound business strategy is better than a successful execution -- or vice versa?

Business News

How To Win in Today's Amazon World

Create a brand that will inspire customer loyalty across all platforms, both online and off.


Busy Is Not The New Stupid

Treat yourself to some empty time to simply sit and think

Growing a Business

How Not to Benchmark Your Way to the Bottom

Benchmarking is a logical addition to most companies' toolkits -- until you start rejecting any unique ideas. Here's how to find out what others have done and still keep it fresh.

Growing a Business

Don't Be Intimidated By Giants in Your Market. Use These Strategies to Figure Out Who Your Real Competition Is.

It may seem like that big incumbent is a major threat, but they could be sleeping on the job.

Growing a Business

A Quick Guide to Monitoring Your Competitors in 2019

Competitor analysis can help you unearth untapped opportunities in a variety of verticals.


Why Sportsmen Make Good Entrepreneurs

Value for hard work, perseverance, and being a team player are some of the most basic and fundamental values of entrepreneurship and sports

Thought Leaders

Shh! Keep Your Big Goals to Yourself.

Sharing too much information apparently diminishes the likelihood you will follow through with your life-changing intentions, research shows. Here's what to do instead.

Growing a Business

General Mills Claims to Sell a 'First of Its Kind' Product That Has Been Eaten by Native Americans for Hundreds of Years

Epic Provisions, owned by the food giant, took credit for creating a buffalo meat and dried fruit bar, but Native Americans have been eating it for hundreds of years. Another company also debuted a similar product years before.

News and Trends

Planning Business in the Face of Uncertainty

Fire/flood, cyber attacks, or new competitors are all risks that could hurt work. It's best to be ready, always


5 Ways to Combat Competition in the Mobile App Industry

The application industry is one of the fastest and trending businesses in the world today; it is making the universe smarter but for those venturing into it; it is a fiercely competitive field