Competitive Advantages: Page 6

Growing a Business

Why Wal-Mart Will Welcome 'Greeters' Back Into Its Stores

The retail giant wants to put smiling faces back at its entrances to curb theft and boost sales.

Growth Strategies

Why Competitive Lying Can Be Your Biggest Startup Mistake

Every successful startup is successful by creating a monopoly in market.

Growing a Business

Stop Comparing Yourself to Competitors. Start Perfecting Your Craft.

The only way to smoke your competition is to get better at what you do.

Growing a Business

Why You Should Focus on 'Different' and 'Better,' Not 'More'

Compete by offering something none of your competitors do.

Growing a Business

Dare to Be Different -- or Watch Your Business Derail

Many things can cause a small business to fail, but the most frequent reason is that the owner has failed to effectively differentiate his or her product or service from the competition.


Should Branding Begin With the Product or the Company's Values?

Our branding expert Laura Ries says neither.

Science & Technology

How Humans Plus Machines Will Equal Amazing Advancements

Call it putting your brain on a bicycle, said Steve Jobs in 1990.


10 Ways to Edge Out a Threatening Competitor

New competition is always lurking around the corner.

Growing a Business

7 Ways to Use Negative Customer Feedback to Beat the Competition

You can learn a lot about -- and how to improve -- your company from unhappy customers.

Thought Leaders

4 Signs You're a Smart Learner (Just Kidding, You're a Nerd)

But you know what? It's OK to be a nerd. The process smart learners use to become smarter is invaluable for anybody aiming to stay competitive.

Growing a Business

The Missing Ingredient in B2B's Trillion-Dollar Industry

The opportunities for B2B ecommerce are huge, especially for companies willing to break the mold, take some risks and humanize their B2B strategies.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Differentiate Your Brand in a Congested Marketplace

As a business owner, or marketer tasked with elevating the status of your brand, it's imperative that you find a way to rise above the crowd and overcome the burgeoning list of industry competitors.

Starting a Business

First to the Table: 4 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Succeed in Pioneering Industries

Being on the frontier of a new industry can be both thrilling and terrifying, especially with a product or service that you think can change the world.

Growing a Business

3 Companies Using Speed as a Competitive Advantage

How you utilize speed may be different than the next company, but it's critical that you spend some time and energy thinking about it.

Growing a Business

10 Business Lessons I Learned Studying My Competition

Growing a business is a lot of trial and error, but it doesn't have to be all your trial and error.